Events From 1950-1970

  • Korean War

    This war was between the Democratic People’s Republic and the Republic of Korea. North Korea began the war with an attack on June 25, 1950. The UN said their soldiers were able to intervene. The UN supported South Korea, but the Soviet Union and Chinese army supported North Korea. The active part of the war was ended on July, 27, 1953. This was when the border of South and North Korea was established.
  • Harry S. Truman

    Harry Truman had 2 assassination attempts on his life. The one that happened on this date was the second of the two. The assassination attempts were arranged by Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo. They figured out that the president was staying at the Blair House. This one failed just like the first assassination attempt. Torresola was shot by one of the officers which killed him immediately.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    This act was made on June 27, 1952. This required all immigrants to have a green card when they cross the border of the United States. This act has stayed on since December 24, 1952. Some parts of the act still are remaining. It was one of the first immigration law that was organized under one body of text. The other immigration laws had at least more than one bodies of text.
  • United States Election on the year of 1952

    In this election the two final nominees for president were Dwight D. Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower was a Republican candidate and Stevenson was a Democratic candidate. Eisenhower won with 30 states and 55.2% of the voters. Stevenson lost with 9 states and 44.3% of the voters. Eisenhower became the next president of the United States and he choose Richard Nixon to become the next vice president of the United States. This ended the United States election year of 1952.
  • Execution of the Rosenberg's

    The Rosenberg’s were executed on June 19, 1953 for spying on the United States for the Soviet Union. They were American communists that were said to tell the Soviet Union about the American’s atomic bomb. This execution was the only one on civilians for spying in American history. The Rosenberg’s also had accomplices for spying however, they only served time in jail. They were executed on the electric chair. They both died from 1-3 shocks.
  • Disneyland opens in Anaheim, California on the year of 1955

    Disneyland was being created in Anaheim, California from July 16, 1954 to July 17, 1955. Disneyland was opened on July 18, 1955. It is one the most popular tourist attraction till this day. It was named and supervised by Walt Disney. Disneyland had a railroad go all around it and on the inside was the actual fun part of Disneyland. It is now named Disneyland Park to be distinguished from Disneyland Resort which is a bigger place which is also in also in Anaheim, California
  • Rosa Park starts Montgomery Bus Boycott

    This event was a protest against making African Americans sit on the back of the bus. This started on December 1, 1955 when Rosa Park would not give up her seat to a white man. She was arrested and placed on trial. This protest ended on Dec. 20, 1956. There were many important people were a part of this protest. There were also many protests like this one against racial segregation and they all were stopped.
  • Jackson Pollock dies on the year of 1956

    Jackson Pollock painted “Scent and Search” in 1955. These would be his two last paintings. Jackson Pollock did not paint a single thing in the next year. Pollock suffered with drinking to much alcohol. Pollock was driving on August 11, 1956 and got into a car accident, killing one of his two passengers. Pollock was drinking alcohol before getting into the car and that is how he got into a single-car crash. One of his two passengers survived which was Pollock’s mistress named Ruth Kligman.
  • Elvis Presley makes first appearance

    Ed Sullivan allowed Elvis Presley to be on his show on September 9, 1956. This was a big deal because Ed disliked Presley for some reason. He vowed to himself and the world to never let him on his talk show. He then allowed Presley to be on the show after the “Steve Allen show” became one of the best talk shows on television. Ed then signed a contract which allowed Elvis to be on his talk show. He then sang a few songs which ended the episode for the show.
  • 1956 Presidential Election

    This was a rematch of the 1952 election, which happened 4 years earlier. The candidates were Dwight D. Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson just like the election four years before this one. Eisenhower ended the Korean War so it he would be elected for president once again. This was the last election where the two last candidates was born in the 19th century. Both Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon were elected. Both of them got elected for the same positions.
  • SCLC is formed in part by Martin Luther King Jr.

    The SCLC, co-founded by Martin Luther King. It aimed to mobilize black churches in the cause for black rights. SCLC started back to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The boycott lasted for 381 days and ended on December 21, 1956, with the desegregation of the Montgomery bus system. This was carried out by the MIA. Martin Luther King, Jr. served as President and Ralph David Abernathy served as Program Director. It was one of history’s most massive nonviolent protest.
  • Einsenhower establishes NASA

    The Soviet Union establishes Sputnik on October 4, 1957. After the Russian's launch of Sputnik, Einsenhower had to do something to match with the Soviet Union. Einsenhower quickly responded by creating NASA. He pumping money into space programs to match the Soviets. This made NASA what it is today. It has created many job opportunities for the United States.
  • Launch of the Sit-In Movement

    In 1960, four black college students spawned a large "sit-in". This was caused by the norm of having segregation in the southern part of The United States. This movement made them demand service at a white-only lunch counter. Each day recruited more students to sit-in with them. They were all arrested in the end. The sit-in movement spread out to many college towns.
  • U-2 accident on the year of 1960

    A U-2 airplane was sent to go to the Soviet Union. It was shot down when going in their territory on May 1, 1960. The Soviet Union showed the United States their alive pilot and pictures of their military bases. The United States was extremely embarrassed for their failed mission. The United States and the Soviet Union then became enemies shortly after this. Eisenhower was ordered to apologize to Khrushchev however,
    Eisenhower declined.
  • Civil Right Act

    May 6th, 1960
    Civil Rights Act on the year of 1960
    Civil Rights Act on the year of 1960
    The Civil Rights Act was made on May 6, 1960. This act was said to have a federal investigation when the voters voted to see if everything is going the way it should. It was said to protect against racism and to let everyone that is allowed to vote, vote. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed this act to make everything clear and to prevent any loopholes from the previous Civil Rights Act law made in 1956.
  • United States Presidential Election

    This election began on November 8, 1960. The term began on January 20, 1961. Democrats have voted for John F. Kennedy to be president and Republicans voted for Richard Nixon to be president. Since John F. Kennedy’s religion was Catholic, Protestants believed that he would take orders from the pope. John F. Kennedy gained extreme publicity when he participated in the debates between him and Richard Nixon. John F. Kennedy was elected President and Lyndon B. Johnson was elected Vice President.
  • Alliance for Progress on the year of 1961

    The Alliance for Progress was a proposed alliance with Latin America and the United States of America. President John F. Kennedy made a 10-year plan for Latin America made on March, 1961.The United States would give Latin America money. This was to help them in the economy. The United States relations with Latin America grew however and the program failed. People say America gave Latin America a total of 22.3 billion dollars.
  • Peace Corps was made on the year of 1961 (Part 1)

    Peace corps is a corporation run by the American government. Volunteers are what make up the Peace Corps. Peace Corps has two goals.Volunteers work on different things in the country like hunger, schools, and agriculture. President John F. Kennedy made this corporation on May 1, 1961. Since the time it was made (1961)it had gained over 200,000 Americans. The Americans that have joined, have helped 139 countries in total.
  • Mercury-Redstone 3 mission on the year of 1961 (Part 1)

    The mission “Mercury-Redstone 3” was one to beat the Russians to be the first man to orbit Earth. Alan Shepard was the man that was chosen for this mission. But, Russia did beat the Americans into space. Russia sent Yuri Gagarin into space first. Even then they became the second country to send a man into space. The takeoff was broadcasted on television, viewed by millions of people. The President and the Vice President even viewed the flight on his television with a couple of other people.
  • OPEC was formed on 1961

    OPEC is organization between 12 oil-producing countries. There headquarters is in Vienna, Austria. Also there are twelve oil-producing countries are all around the world. The main continents of the oil-producing countries are South America, the Middle East, and Africa. The official language of the OPEC is English even though the people in it aren’t American. You have to pay a 2 million dollars to get in to the program.
  • Cuban missile crisis on the year of 1962 (Part 1)

    This Cuban missile crisis was between the United States and the Soviet Union with Cuba. The Soviet Union built missile bases in Cuba during the Cold War. It was said to strike at most parts of the United States. The United States then demanded that the Russians take their missiles back to their country and leave Cuba. The Russians agreed only if the United States take their missiles out of Turkey and Italy. They both agreed on this and the United States then stopped the blockade.
  • Civil Rights March on Washington

    The March on Washington was an enormous gathering. This gathered Civil Rights supporters. They gather a whopping 250,000 Americans. They marched on the capital and gave speeches to draw national attention to their cause. There were many speakers and Martin Luther King Jr. being the last one. Martin Luther King Jr. said his "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • Murder of John F. Kennedy

    Crowds of excited people waved to the Kennedy's. The car turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza around 12:30 p.m. It was passing the Texas School Book Depository. Then gunfire suddenly was heard in the plaza. The bullets hit the Presidents neck and head. The governor was also hit in the chest.
    Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson takes Oath of Office
    The car sped off to Parkland Memorial Hospital just a few minutes away.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was in part a realization of the efforts of JFK in the progression of Civil Rights. This was enacted during the Johnson administration. The act strengthened the governments power at ending segregation. This created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. This ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination. It is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement.
  • Protests Emerge at Berkeley

    During the 1960's especially during the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, unrest among the public grew immensely. Also resentment towards the government grew. Berkeley was one of the first organized protests against established authority. This protest was called the Freedom Speech Movement. This lead to Bloody Sunday which happened in 1972.
  • Malcolm X is assassinated

    In New York City, Malcolm X was assassinated. He was an African American nationalist and religious leader. He was assassinated by rival Black Muslims while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity. This was when he was preparing for his speech. The place were it happened is the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights. He did leave his group shortly before the assassination which may have caused this.
  • Escalation of U.S. Involvement in Vietnam

    First ashore was the Battalion Landing Team 3/9. They were wearing full battle gear and carrying M-14s. They met sightseers, South Vietnamese officers, Vietnamese girls with leis, and four American soldiers with a large sign. Gen. William Westmoreland, senior U.S. military commander in Saigon, was reportedly “appalled” at the spectacle. He had hoped that the Marines could land without any fanfare. Within two hours, Battalion Landing Team 1/3 began landing at Da Nang air base
  • Shirley Chisholm becomes the first African-American woman elected for Congress on the year of 1969

    Shirley Chisholm ran for the New York State Legislature in 1964. She was elected on the same year. She then ran for the Democratic candidate for the congress and became a part of the House of Representatives. She was the first African American woman to be in congress. Shirley retired her seat in 1982. She was a very successful woman and will be remembered in history for an extremely long time.
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day was created by Gaylord Nelson. He was an Wisconsin, U.S. senator. After all the oil spill in Santa Barbara, California he then took a trip there. He was completely disgusted by what he saw. He then Made Earth Dayto be acknowledged by every school in the United States. Earth Day still goes on till this day and will for a very long time.
  • The United States Environmental Protection Agency was created on the year of 1970

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA, was formed by the United States government. It was made to help protect the health the people in the United States. The EPA was made by President Richard Nixon. The EPA began working on December 2, 1970 in Washington, D.C. The annual budget for this agency is $8.682 billion and has about 17,000 full-time employees. All laws that are made by this agency however, must go through congress.