eric timeline

  • Hello World

    Hello World
    My parents are, father Rick Bruesch and mother Suesan Bruesch. I was born in Blue Island, Illinois.
  • Prairie! Again:(

    Prairie! Again:(
    I want to be accepted into advanced info tech because info tech seems fun and I'm not really interested in any other selectives..
  • Graduation!

    My goals when I graduate are, I want to keep a GPA above 3.85, I also want to be in advanced info tech as my selective, and want to graduate on stage.
  • Go Red Hawks!

    Go Red Hawks!
    I'm going to Marist Catholic High School.
  • Goals part 1

    Goals part 1
    I want to make freshman football team because you automatically make the freshman team and I want to try it out.
  • Goals Part 3

    Goals Part 3
    I want to make the Marist golf team because whem I was in South Carolina I realized that I like golf and the man that ran the country club said i have serious potential if I work on my swing.
  • Goals Part 2

    Goals Part 2
    I want to make the baseball team(preferably Varsity) because baseball is my all time favorite sport in the history of time.
  • Goals part 5

    Goals part 5
    I want to sucessfully finish and send my college letters to my colleges of my choice because it is very important you get your name out there becuase big college's have their sports rosters already set by sophmore year.
  • Goals Part 4

    Goals Part 4
    I want to qualify for Nationals honors Society because it looks good on a college applacation.
  • Bye Highschool

    Bye Highschool
    Some obsticals I might face in the real world are hard choices, living on my own, and providing for myself.
  • Real life

    Real life
    I hope to attend the University of Florida and i want to be a statistician. I need my Mastor's degree and if i accomplish this i will make $72,830 a year and $35.02 a hour.
  • Moving Out

    Moving Out
    I want both of my parents to see me graduate college because I want to show them that i can make it in the real world
  • Bucket List Part 1

    Bucket List Part 1
    I want to sucessfully get the job to be a statistian because that is the job i wanted to have my whole life because i love math.
  • Bucket List Part 2

    Bucket List Part 2
    I want to be married by this time, and i want to be married in Las Vegas because it's one of the places i will want to travel to in my future, so why not have my wedding there?
  • Bucket List Part 3

    Bucket List Part 3
    I want to have two kids because i want to add to the worlds population.
  • Bucket List Part 4

    Bucket List Part 4
    I want to skydive without a parachute because it seems fun and there is no way you can get hurt because there are people surrounding you with parachutes
  • Bucket List Part 5

    Bucket List Part 5
    I want to travel to every baseball stadium in the USA before i die because it is somthing I always wanted to do and i've already been to 3 out of 32.
  • R.I.P Eric Bruesch

    R.I.P Eric Bruesch
    I want to die the day after I turn 99, so i can be the oldest person ever.