Frog and Toad inspired my reading as a child in 2nd grade; positive influence.
In 4th grade I read all of the Amelia Bedelia books. I liked them very much. This was a positive influence.
High School Literature/English classes-I never made above an 89. This was a negative influence because I was an A student. Being a slow reader did not help.
Joined band! Reading music was inspiring. Totally a positive influence.
Read McBeth in High School. I did enjoy that kind of literature. Positive influence.
Read Dante's Inferno in a World Literature class in college. It was kind of weird, but it was very interesing! This was an in between positive and negative influence.
I loved my Spanish classes. As a Spanish Major we read many books. Don Quijote was one of my favorites and definitely a positive influence.
I also enjoyed Spanish poetry. One of my favorit Spanish poets was Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Very Positive Influence.
I did an amazing bible study called "Experiencing God". It really changed my life and influenced me to read the bible more. It also influnced me to read other biblical based books that enhanced my reading abilities. Very positive influence.
One other book that inspired me was "The Shack". It gave me a positive look on reading a great book and enjoying it. The movie is coming out next year. Can't wait! Totally a positive influence.