development by lily goeb

  • newborn

    uncoordinated, movement, everything very randomly
  • 3 Months

    3 Months
    they use their arms to prop themselves up, head sits up at 90 degree angle, visual mid line
  • 5 Months

    5 Months
    roll over, reaches for objects, plays with feet, rocks on stomach
  • 7 Months

    7 Months
    puts weight on legs and pushes head and torso off the floor, can sit up
  • 9 Months

    9 Months
    crawls, eye hand coordination, sits down and gets up
  • 12 Months

    12 Months
  • 15 Months

    15 Months
    more complex motor skills
  • 2 Years

    2 Years
    learns to climb up and down stairs
  • 3 Years

    3 Years
    gains 4-5 pounds, grows 2-3 inches, has all primary teeth, can hop on one foot, can place objects in small holes
  • 4 Years

    4 Years
    improvement in balance, uses scissors, grows height double from birth, can throw balls
  • 5 Years

    5 Years
    adult teeth come in, skips, jumps, can write, can cut soft foods
  • 6-7 Years

    6-7 Years
    draw and write, ride a bicycle, swim, climb
  • 8-10

    increase in body strength (sports), approaching puberty for girls, manual skills, like to play rough games