DaJawn Avant's timeline

  • Welcome to the World

    Welcome to the World
    I was giviging life to Franchon Avant & Lashawn Leftridge . I was in San Fransico hospital in Blue Island, IL
  • Summers finally over

    Summers finally over
    When i get in 8th grade i want to take spanish because i want to be bi-lingual so i can talk and understand foreign people.
  • Bye Bye PJH

    Bye Bye PJH
    Get at least a 3.0 gpa, make the basketball team for 7th and 8th grade, and don't get in trouble for the whole time i'm hear at pjh is some of my goals i hope to achieve by graduation.
  • I'm a genius

    I'm a genius
    When I get in high school I want to get an least one IB class at morgan park because then im considered smart, and because my cousin is in a IB program.
  • Hello High School

    Hello High School
    My High School choice is Morgan Park High School I want to go there because most of my family members and friends went there, also because its near my grandma
  • I'm a Baller

    I'm a Baller
    Making the basketball team is a goal i hope to achieve when i gp to high school because that is one ofri my favorite sports.
  • I'm ready coach

    I'm ready coach
    I also plan to join the football team at Morgan Park because football is my second favorite sport.
  • I Need A J-O-B

    I Need A J-O-B
    Another one of my achievements I want to accomplishments before I graduate from high school is work at Footlocker it's one of my achievements because my mom works there and it seems like a cool job, and i get a 30% discount.
  • I'm finally able driving

    I'm finally able driving
    Getting my license and get my own car is one of my high school goals i choice this goal because I want to drive whenever I want to.
  • Thanks for coming

    Thanks for coming
    If I had a special moment in my life I would like my mom to be there, because she supports me and because I live with her.
  • How does it feel to be famous?

    How does it feel to be famous?
    Meeting a famous person is on of my my goals to accomolish before i past away.
  • Finally

    I want to buy a lamborghini before I die, because i like fast cars and a lamborghini is fast, also because i never seen a lamborghini in real live or seen nobody driving one, and i want to be that person.
  • It's a Boy and a Girl!!!

    It's a Boy and a Girl!!!
    I also want to have kids before I pass away because I want to guide them through live, and give them tips about wat i been through
  • Move I'm trying to make success.

    Move I'm trying to make success.
    Something that might get in my way of making success, is negative peer preasure, and lack of money.
  • freeze your under arrest

    freeze your under arrest
    I need a high school diploma or something similar to that, I want to be a FBI agent becuase they support others, and care for others. The average officer earns 55,010 per year, 26.45 per hour, and you need to graduate from their agency's training academy ( some ask for college degress). You also need driver's license.
  • I DO!!!

    I DO!!!
    I also want to get married before i ''keep the bucket'' i want to get married because i want a wive and kids, i also want to be commited, and i want a family of my own.
  • I'm glad I bought this

    I'm glad I bought this
    One thing That would be on my bucket list would be to own my own house. I want to own my own house, because I can jump and do wat ever i want, when ever I want and no body can do nothing about it except the police.
  • RIP Dajawn

    RIP Dajawn
    I hope to never die but if i had to pick i would pick 2088-2100 because then iI would have lived a full live and experienced everything.