COSC 1401

  • charles brabbage

    made the first atomatic calculator called analytical engine
  • herman hollerith

    used jacquard's punch-card idea and put it into that computer.
  • z1 computer

    first macanical calculator
  • eniac

    first succeful high-speed computer
  • univac

    first commercical eletronic digital computor
  • 1stt generation computor

    the UNIVAC and other computors like it where considered the first generation computers
  • 2nd generation computers

    first computors that used transponders inside of vacumes to store data
  • jack kilby

    invented the first the intelegent circuit
  • 3rd generation computors

    first computer with a intellegent circuit
  • basic

    changed the computer industery. this is the first language the students could easaly understud
  • 4th generation computor

    computors that used the microprossor chip
  • Altair computer

    used sitches up front as 1s and 0s to put programs into the computor.
  • steve jobs

    help invent the appal indestery with the start up of apple one
  • appal 2

    first computor that came with its own color monitor.
  • visicalc

    first eletronic spreedsheet application
  • wordstar

    the first word prossing application
  • bill gates

    ibm accepted bill gates to write a OS program on the IBM PC
  • osborne computor

    worlds first portiable computor.

    appal in introducted Lisa and she was the firdt computor to have the GUI
  • pagemaker

    the first decktop publishing software
  • excel

    one of the first spred sheets that used a graphical intderface

    was the firdt browser to allow viewers to veiw multimedia and increased the traffic in the web 350%
  • netscape

    became a popular browser very quickly