0511 0701 3113 5567 two businessmen talking clipart image1


  • 305

    Drawing and Writing

    Drawing and Writing
    Drawing and Writing was used in a long time from around 3500 BC to 2900 BC Different people invented alphabets and writing. ( Not sure of day and month)
  • 500

    Carrier Pigeon

    Carrier Pigeon
    The Carrier Pigeon is used to carry messages to different people in the world. The carrier pigeon started and was mostly used in the 500- 1000. It was still used in World War 1 and World war 2( I am not sure of the date and month)
  • Nov 9, 1450


    Newspapers were made first in Europe and also appeared in Europe. It first appeared in Europe but then the world had it's daily newspaper on 1650 by Leipzig
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel Morse invented the morse code machine in 1842. But it was only showed to the public on 1842. ( I am not sure of the date and month)
  • Telegraphy

    The telegraphy was improved on 1894 by Guglielmo Marconi. They used to listen to what the people on it says.( I am not sure of the date and month)
  • Radio

    The Radio was made for people to hear it but couldn’t see it. Made on 1902 by Guglielmo Marconi. In the Radio, They could go to different chanells and here people talk. ( I am not sure of the date and month)
  • Televisions

    Televisions were made and used on 1938. Their were not only 1 inventor who made this happen, they had lots of inventers giving ideas to make televisions alive. ( I am not sure of the date and month)
  • Floppy Disc's

    Floppy Disc's
    Floppy Disc's were invented/ made on 1971, It was used to watch and hear what it had. They were put on the computer. ( I am not sure of date and month)
  • Phone

    The Phone was improved lots of times but the first Cellular Phone network for communication was made in Japan. They made it so everybody from different parts of the world can talk and have fun together. After that U.S.A, improved the first cellular phone network on 1983
  • Period: to


  • Printing Presses

    Printing Presses
    Printing Presses were made in China. It carves a shape, also it was made in 305, But after China made it another place in the world improved the Printing Press with metal movable type from Johannes Gutenberg. ( I am not sure of date and month)