
Civil War Timeline

  • The Election of 1860

    The Election of 1860
    Aberaham Lincoln ChallengersIn November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president. Abraham Lincoln was a strong abalitionist. He ran against John C. Breckinridge and Stephan A. Douglas.
  • The Confederate States of America

    The Confederate States of America On Febuary 1, 1862 the slave states came together and became the Confederate States of America. This was in the south, the delegates wrote a constitution and made Jefferson Davis there president. Most the confederate states were enraged by Lincolns presidency.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter On April 12, 1861 Confederates began attacking Fort Sumter. Fort Sumter was a Federal fort in North Carolina. After the fort surrendered Lincon issued the seceded states were in a rebellion.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Battle of Bull Run The first major clash between the two sides was the Battle of Bull Run. This battle took place 25 miles outside of Washington along a river called Bull Run. The Union drove the Confederates back, but the Confederates rallied back and the Union surrendered.
  • the Battle of Shiloh

    the Battle of Shiloh
    the BAttle of Shilho On April 6, 1862 General Ulysses was caught by surprise by the confederates and was pushed back. But over the night General Grant got reinforcements and he and the Union made the Confederates retreat. The Union won this battle.
  • Seven Day's Battle

    Seven Day's Battle
    Seve Day's Battle On June 6, 1862 General Robert E. Lee who had resigned from the U.S. army to serve in the confederates attacked Genral McClellan in what was called the Seven Day's Battle. The Confederates forced the Union to retreat.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Second Battle of Bull Run After the retreat of the Union in the Seven Day's Battle Lincoln made General John Pope to advance on Richmond from Washinton. General Lee caught the UNion off guard and made General Popes Army fall apart. This was the Second Battle of Bull Run.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    The BAttle of AntietamOn September 17, 1862 the after the Confederates victory in the Battle of Bull Run Lee began crossing into Maryland and the two armies met on Antietam Creek. This was the bloodiest single day battle of the war. This was also a very important victory for the Union. Lee lost a third of histroops and could not advance any farther. The Union won this battle.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Emancipation Praclomation On September 22, 1862 Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation this proclamation said that all slaves in non occupied areas to be freed on January 1, 1863. This was the third year of the Civil War.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of GettysburgSummer 1863 General Lee advanced t Pennsylvania at the town of Gettysburg. Confederate and Union troops met and it sarted the Battle of Gettysburg. On July 1, 1863 the Confederates pushed the Union line back, the next day the Union turned the table on a major Confederate assualt. On July third Lee ordered Picket to attack, but Picket lost 15,000 of his troops in battle. The same day after the Union won The battle of Gettysburg Grant took over Vicksburg.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln said the Union won the war in the Gettysburg address. After the Gettysburg address Lincon placed Grant in charge of all Union armies.
  • the Battle of Petersburg

    the Battle of Petersburg
    Battle of Petersburg The Union forces advanced to Petersburg on June 9, 1864. This battle ended when confederate forces were loosing troops to fast and had to abandon the city. petersburg was just south Richmond.
  • The Confederates surrender

    The Confederates surrender
    Confederates surrender After General Grant broke through General Lees defenses in Petersburg, Lee knew it was hopless and surrendered in the small town of Appomattox Courthouse. General Lee surrendered April, 9 1865. This surrendering happened right after the re-election of Lincoln.