Reading of all documents and instructions received
Allocation of tasks within the groupe
First meeting
Drafting a list of questions for Ms. Le Gallou
Second meeting
Third meeting
Choice of a well-documented consumer product (subject)
Reading articles about circular economy
Reading articles on denim and its manufacture
Creating a draft table of contents
Fourth meeting
Individual Contribution (IC) : Research for articles on a specific subject
IC: collection of important elements for each specific topic
Fifth meeting
Sixth meeting
Seventh meeting
IC: writing a text on the specific topic
Gathering of CIs and drafting of the final document
Gathering of CIs and drafting of the final document
Eighth meeting
Creating a loopy
Writing the introduction
First proofreading based on Ms. Le Gallou's comments
Ninth meeting
Writing of the conclusion
Writing of the executive summary
Addition of annexes, cover page, table of contents and references to the final document
Second proofreading of the work
Tenth meeting
Handing in of the work
Preparing the oral presentation
Third and last proofreading of the work
Eleventh meeting
Oral presentation