70 AD
Roman soldiers were lead by Titus to attack Jerusalem. Titus sought to destroy the temple because he wanted to destroy the Christian and Jewish religions. Jerusalem would end up being replaced with Christian authority and communication. Church leaders came together and fought over the authenticity of books and letters. They wanted to finalize the New Testament and make sure there were no errors. Bishops were entered into the church and now known as the new church leaders. -
313 AD
The Western Roman Empire's Emporer was Emporer Constantine. He had a dream and he saw a cross of light in heaven. The cross had the inscription “By this symbol, you will conquer” written on it and his whole army saw it too. This caused him to convert himself to Christianity, and sign the Edict of Milan with Licinius the eastern Roman emperor. The edict of Milan authorized religious freedom of Christian churches and led Christianity to be the main religion of Rome. Christianity spread rapidly. -
325 AD
The first gathering of the church worldwide called together by Constantine was the Council of Nicea. The council met to decide on Jesus’ divinity. They had two different views; the Arianism and Orthodox view. The council implemented a fidelity to theology and authority of scripture and they implemented an intermingling of the Church and world politics. -
451 AD
There are three different views that the council has to discuss the nature of Christ. The first view is that Christ has one nature and the humanity of Jesus is covered up by his Godliness. The second view is that Jesus is one person in two natures. The third view is the Christ is separate and has distinct natures that are consolidated. The council implemented theologically showing a wise, balanced restatement in scripture. This was the first disagreement that led to the Great Schism. -
530 AD
St. Benedict's Rule is a rule book for monks to show them how to live and it was written by St. Benedict. Individuals chose to be a part of a monastic order to become monks to survive and some to help the success of the church. The Monastic Movement became the conscience of the church in the Roman Empire. The Church spread the word around the whole world and gave the world spiritual discipline -
800 AD
The pope got crowned the next roman emperor. The people cried out “to charles augustus, crowned by god, great and peace giving emperor of the Romans, life and victory!” The Pope ended up becoming more powerful than the emperor as he was the spokesperson for God. In mans’ sinful nature, this led to some abuses of power in the church which will be seen in full extent with Martin Luther -
1054 AD
The great schism occurred when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other. This lead to the church splitting into two; the Western Catholicism church and an Eastern Orthodox Church. There has always been tension between these two churches due to the preferred languages and interpretations. The biggest tension was the crowning of Charlemagne and the Pope. There are still differences today such as Papal Authority, Afterlife/purgatory, and marriage or divorce. -
1096 AD
The crusades were a spiritual reason to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims. There were 8. The 1st crusade lasted 3 years and took back Jerusalem. The 2nd crusade ended with military achievements that were negligible. The 3rd Crusade took Acre and negotiated an agreement with Sultan Saladin. The 4th Crusade the Byzantine Empire was reestablished. The 5th Crusade got a port of Damietta. The 6th Crusade was successful because Frederick had been excommunicated. Nothing came from the 7th and 8th. -
1521 AD
Martin Luther was a monk who stood on trial before the Roman Empire. He was been accused of declaring and writing ungodly things. He noticed corruption in the church, so he wrote the 95 theses. He wrote them and nailed them to the Wittenberg Castle church door. Martin got declared an outlaw after the Diet of Worms. People thought Luther was dead and started protesting and over 100,000 people died over this rebellion. Luther heard about the rebellion and wanted to reform the church. -
1730 AD
John/Charles Wesley and George Whitefield lead the Church in America to its first great awakening. This awakening helped us prepare for its independence. They also helped reform America by solving issues like education. George Whitefield an English Calvinist preacher traveled up and down the colonies preaching to everyone in a unique style. The new style of sermons allowed faith to be brought in America. People liked this and became involved in religion. -
The Edinburgh Missionary Conference is a group of missionary’s brought together At the United Free Church. It’s calling is “the hope that the unity begun in the mission field might extend its influence". The focuses of the conference were to transport the Gospel to non-Christians, lead the church into the mission field of Education in the national Christian life, distribute the message of Christian missions to other religions, prepare missionaries, and promote Christian unity.