Childhood in history- Andres Rey

  • 600 BCE


    Infanticide was something very popular, they see children as something very replaceable and they don't see infanticide as a mistake.
  • 300

    Children as sex objects

    Children as sex objects
    Children were made to participate in orgies which were normalized in ancient Rome.
  • 400

    Children as adults

    children began to participate in the daily activities of adults, at which point they are considered fully responsible for their actions. Violence against them still recurs, both as a teaching method and as a way for adults to vent their anger.
  • 1500


    The attempts to control children were born out of fear; used as a modeling tool.
  • Change of thinking

    Change of thinking
    The change in thinking and philosophy was coming. seeing children as beings who need protection and who are innocent.
  • The industrial revolution

    The industrial revolution
    Locke told us that children are molded by education and the factors that influence the development of their lives. Thus, the industrial revolution oriented the education of children towards the handling of machinery, depriving them of other activities as well as the overexploitation they received.
  • The real change

    The real change
    The parents start to educate the children and aware of them.
  • unicef

    Promotion of the rights and welfare of children and adolescents around the world.
  • Children's rights

    Children's rights
    Through the establishment of children's rights, the world has committed to ensuring the integrity and safety of children, which is why there are organizations responsible for ensuring that these rights are fully respected.