charlesa, my life!

  • fist born

    i was just comming out. i was wondering were i was and what i was doing.
  • one years old

    i was one year old. i was just now getting to walk and to know my parents. my older brothers put me in a shoe box cause they didnt want a sister.
  • two years old

    when i was two i knew how to talk alittle bit. i was using chairs to get into the places i wasnt allowed to reach. i was running outside after my brothers when they left.
  • three years old

    when i was three years old i was starting too run and take off without my parents, and i threw fits when i didnt get a toy everytime we went to the store.
  • four years old

    when i was four years old i started to go to school. my first day of school they had snacks and i went over to get some and knocked the whole snack boy and juice on my pants.
  • five years old

    i was in kindegarden. i loved going to school, i never wanted to leave whenever everyone went home. i tryed to hide in the bathrooms.
  • six years old

    my 2 twins cousins were born and i got to hold them. i was with them 24/7. i allways told everyone they were my kids.
  • seven years old.

    when i ws seven i loved to count. i would count all day, i would even count the steps i took in a day, and how many steps it took me to do a cart-wheel.
  • eight years old

    when i was eight years old, i was allowed to go and play outsides with my friends for a little while. and that was when i firsted moved.
  • nine years old

    whenever i was nine years old, was the time that i understand stuff about people and their life. eventhough that might be young.
  • ten years old

    when i was ten years old, i had my first sleepover. i thought it was the best thing that ever happened in my life!
  • eleven years old

    when i was eleven years old, i was allowed to stay with my family without having my mom to stay with me.
  • tweleve years old

    when i was tweleve years old we took our trip to Myrtle Beach and it was so fun!
  • thirteen years old

    when i was thirteen years old, i had a big party for my birtday cause i just turned a t eenager!
  • fourteen years old

    when i was fourteen years old, i started staying over my friends house. thats when i went out of town alot without my mom.
  • fifteen years old

    when i was fifteen years old, i loved my cell phone. i played soccer for two years. i did alot of stuff with my friends. i went to lake, for the first time.
  • sixteen years old

    i got a new cell phone, i get to get my permitt. i had a huge party for my birthday. i had it at the community center and it was a dance, but i had a whole bunch of friends to come.