
cell threry

  • Period: Feb 21, 1300 to


  • Feb 23, 1300

    qestions 1 and 2

    1. the conection between the cells and the microscope is if we did not create the microscope we wold never know what cells are becouse cells are microscopic and we cant see them or we wold of belived that rats come from rags and weat microscopes are a big part of the cell theroy.
    2. the theroy way that if you put rags and weat in to a pot in 21 days mice will shoe up it was jean baptiste van helmont idea his idea was rejected by francesco redi becouse he dicoverd that cells make cells
  • Feb 23, 1300

    qestions 3 and 4

    1. ther was a big gap becouse thy wher still trying to find out how cells wher crated and they wher trying to make high powerd microscopes
    2. yes becouse he youseed all of the other dicoverys to help him out along the way
  • Period: Feb 20, 1500 to


  • jean baptiste van helmont

    jean baptiste van helmont
    he proposed this idea to the world in 1648 his idea was that if you put rags in a pot with weat in ther mice will apper in 21 days
  • roobert hook

    roobert hook
    first to come out with the term cell by looking under a microscope
    at a cork
  • francesco redi

    francesco redi
    he did an experiment to see if roting meat will turn in to flys he ddecoverd that flys make flys
  • anton van leewwenhoek

    anton van leewwenhoek
    he bilt his own microscope he looked at lake water he saw things hooping around like fish so he called them organisoms
  • lazzaro sallanzani

    lazzaro sallanzani
    he proformed a soup experiment that showed that micro organizems can spoil the soup
  • matthias schledin

    matthias schledin
    he yoused his recerch to discover that plants are made frome cells in 1838
  • theador schwan

    theador schwan
    he fownd out hat animals are made from cells in 1838 he yoused his oun reserch
  • rene dutrochet

    rene dutrochet
    he showed that plant cells and animal cells are related hecame up with this idea in 1842
  • rudolf virchaw

    rudolf virchaw
    he came up with the the theory thatnew cells are made frome old cells
  • louis pasteur

    louis pasteur
    his experiment helped with the theory that cells came from other cells his dicovery led to the cell thory
  • ernst rusksa

    ernst rusksa
    he bilt the first electric microscope it helped him see whats living and whats not