Cell theory timeline

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    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    A Dutch naturalist who first discovered and identified microorganisms.
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    Robert Hooke

    an English physicist who was also a distinguished microscopist
  • Hooke published Micrographia

    Hooke published Micrographia
    Micrographia was the first important work devoted to microscopical observation, and
    showed what the microscope could mean for naturalists
  • Motile particles were deemed as life

    Motile particles were deemed as life
    The particles that he saw under his microscope were motile and,
    assuming that motility equates to life, he went on to conclude, in a letter of 9 October 1676 to the Royal Society, that these particles were indeed living organisms.
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    Felice Fontana

    The abbot Felice Fontana glimpsed the nucleus in epithelial cells in 1781
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    Robert Brown

    The Scottish botanist Robert Brown was the first to recognize the nucleus, a term that he introduced, as an essential constituent of living cells
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    Matthias Jakob Schleiden

    the botanist that suggested every structural element of plants is composed of cells or their products
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    Theodor Schwann

    The zoologist concluded that animals are also composed of cells, like plants
  • Achromatic microscopes are introduced

    Achromatic microscopes are introduced
    They allow more precise histological observations. Improvements were also made in tissue preservation and -treating techniques.
  • Nucleus Recognized

    Nucleus Recognized
    Lead to the discovery that the nucleus is essential to cell life
  • Plants were suggested to have cells

    Plants were suggested to have cells
    This discovery lead to the formulation of cell theory
  • Universal principle of development was discovered

    Theodore Schwann stated “there is one universal principle of development for the elementary parts of organisms... and this
    principle is in the formation of cells", which lead to the official formulation of the cell theory
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    Walther Flemming

    A biologist who identified the structed within the nucleus
  • Mitosis was explained

    Mitosis was explained
    Walther Flemming who also introduced the term ‘‘mitosis’’ in 1882 and gave a superb description of its various processes. This process was also observed in plants, providing further evidence of the deep unity of the living world.