Mar 19, 1066
Motte and Bailey
Intoduced by the English and the Romans, this were the very first, very basic type of castle. It consisted of: the Motte; the top of the two part castle which held the actual castle itself anf the Bailey; the bottom were there are normal civilians there. The structure was also 'guarded; by a moat. -
Mar 20, 1066
First Motte and Bailey Castle Built
By the Normans and The English -
Mar 20, 1078
The Tower of London Bulit
Bulit by William the Conqueror -
Mar 19, 1120
Stone Keep Castle
First made by the English and the Normans, these castles were definitley more protective than the Motte and Bailey. It stone structure gave it support against attacksand since it was higher up, archers and shooters could see over a lot more land. They had wooden steps on it, and if they were attacked, these steps would be knowcked down. They quickly caught on that wood was far too easy to break through. -
Mar 20, 1268
Caerphilly Castle Bulit
Was attacked by Llywelyn in 1270 -
Mar 20, 1271
Caerphilly Castle Started again
Caerphilly Castle started again -
Mar 19, 1277
Concentric Castle
This castle was definintely the most safe and secure castle ever built. They literally had a castle inside a castle. A wall was circled arounf the perimetre of the castle with a moat just to add a little more security. They realised that just becuase they could lock themselves indoors, doestn mean that they were completely safe, so they added the extra coverage.