
By Derdoug
  • Period: to

    Exchange student Germany

    Had the amazing change to be an exchange student in Germany. Met amazing friends and made unforgettable memories.
  • Graduated Cal Poly

    Made it through with a BA in Modern Languages and Literatures
  • Became an EMT

    Started my journey in the medical world with intent of being a fire fighter paramedic
  • Period: to

    EMT with Rural Metro

    I got a job with a 3rd party ambulance service that had the 911 contract with San Diego. I had the amazing opportunity to work alongside paramedics and fire fighters all over San Diego
  • My son is born

    My little minion who has been a great companion through thick and thin
  • Marriage

    Talin and I got married with our 2 year old as the ring bearer. He was the best ring bearer in the land
  • First Triathalon

    First Triathalon
    Last time I saw a pair of 32in pants
  • Holy snot I have a daughter

    Holy snot I have a daughter
    My little curly monster who gets whatever she wants from Daddy
  • Started work in psych

    Made a shift in career endgame. I changed focus and was accepted into a masters program to become a Marriage and Family therapist specializing in first responders and emergency room personnel. After a year at the behavioral health unit I decided to not begin the master's program afterall and look for other opportunities.
  • Straight As in my prereqs

    My college grades were not the best. To be honest they were pretty bad. On my restart as a serious student I made a point to excel the best I could. I was successful in working very hard and made my goal of getting straight A's in anatomy, physiology, and microbiology. I felt it necessary to prove to myself I could.
  • Trip of a lifetime

    I had the opportunity to go on a Europe supertrip. We got to explore 10 cities through a 21 day trip. This wasn't my first trip to Europe, but I wanted to capture as much as I could so I gopro'ed the snot out of any occasion. Supertrip
  • UUN!!!!

    My next step on my journey to becoming a nurse.
  • Obtain my BSN

    The date may change, but this is not an "if" but a "when".
  • NP school for psych NP

    Before I wait too long and lose motivation, I plan on getting right back on the horse and continuing my education while working as a RN simultaneously.