Jan 1, 1000
Dill Sees the Radley Place Pg 9
"The Radley Place jutted into a sharp curve beyond our house." The Radley House is first described as old and spooky. Dill is interested and wants to get as close as posible. -
Jan 2, 1000
The Boo Radley Story Pg 11
Boo Radly is described to Dill. Dill is also told a story about what Boo did such as beating, using profane words, assult, and disturbing the peace. All of these made up, of course. -
Jan 3, 1000
Scout finds Gum in Radley Tree Pg 37
Scout finds a peice of gum in a knothole in a tree on the corner of the Radley lot. This is only the begining of the things that they find in there. -
Jan 4, 1000
Scout, Jem, and Dill try to send Boo a letter Pg 53
Scout, Jem, and Dill write a letter to Boo to try to get him to come out of the house but are caught by Atticus and he puts a stop to it. -
Jan 5, 1000
Jem Leaves his Pants on the Fence Pg 60
Jem, Dill, and Scout try to peek into Boo Radley's house but are caught by Mr. Radley who shoots at them. They run but Jem gets his pants stuck on the fence and has to leave them behind. Later he goes back to see that Boo had folded them and put them in a neat way over the fence. -
Jan 6, 1000
Jem and Scout find a broken Watch Pg 68
Jem and Scout find an old broken watch in the knothole on the tree. Jem trys to fix it for a while but fails and gives up in frustration. -
Jan 7, 1000
The Tree gets Cemented Pg 70
Mr. Radley cements up the hole on the tree because he claims that it was dying. But Atticus tells Jem and Scout that the tree looks perfectly healthy. Jem and Scout are very sad. -
Jan 8, 1000
Mrs. Radley dies Pg 72
Mrs. Radley dies over the summer. This causes not a lot of commotion because she hardly ever left the house. Atticus tells Scout and Jem that she died of natural causes, which was a dissapointment to them. -
Jan 9, 1000
Boo puts a blanket on Scout Pg 81
There is a fire and Jem and Scout have to stand out of the way in front of the Radley House. Scout was freezing and didn't realize that Boo had come up behind her and given her a blanket. Scout didn't realize it until Atticus brought it up when they were drinking hot chocolate. -
Jan 10, 1000
Boo is Mentioned as a Horror Pg 115
Jem starts going even further to greet his father and he uses the excuse; "I have survived Boo Radley" So he thinks that Boo is like some kind of near death experiance.