Jan 1, 600
Bubonic plague shows up in Eastern Europe.
Jan 1, 700
Smallpox outbreak in Japan.
Jan 1, 1320
The Black Death recedes, but does not completely disappear.
Jan 1, 1320
Earliest dated sources that refer to the Black Death found in China.
Earliest dated sources that refer to the Black Death found in China. -
Jan 1, 1348
Black Death reaches Europe by the Silk roads.
Jan 1, 1400
The Bubonic Plague killed 1/3 of Europe's population.
Jan 1, 1500
Smallpox spreads from North Africa to the New World.
First microscopes were made.
First microscopes were made.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek is born.
'Philosophical Transactions' is published.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek dies.
Chester Moor Hall corrected problem of chromatic aberration in compound lenses.
Technique found by Chester Moor Hall is applied to microscopes.
Rubella is discovered in Germany.
Cholera spreads from India to South East Asia.
French bring cholera to the New World.
Matthias Schleiden concludes that all plants are composed of cells.
Theodor Schwann concludes that all animals are composed of cells.
Robert Koch established bacteriology as science.
Filippo Paccini publishes his results and discoveries of cholera.
It became required to get a vaccine for smallpox in the United States.
Rudolf Virchow reasons that cells come only from other cells.
Japanese encephalitus is discovered.
Carlos Chaga is born.
Charles Louis Alphonse Laveron obserevd parasites for the first time.
Early effort at malaria prevention occured.
Sir Ronald Ross proves the complete life cycle of the Malaria parasite in mosquitoes.
Carlos Chaga is the first man to be infected with Chaga disease.
Ross River virus is discovered.
There is an outbreak of Chaga disease in Brazil.
The first electron microscope was invented.
Norman Gregg noticed rising numbers of people infected with Rubella.
Pulmonary tuberculosis wiped out 15% of population in Russian Siberia.
Shinya Inoue invents techniques necessary to observe the dynamics of living cells.
Chaga disease became a public health issue.
There is a large, major epidemic in the U.S. with Rubella.
Vaccine for Rubella is licensed.
Smallpox is eradicated.
Official cure for tuberculosis founded by WHO.
The scanning microscope began to reveal objects atom by atom.
Chronic kidney disease is discovered and recognized in Guam.
Chronic kidney disease reaches its peak so far.
As of this year, there are 35 million people infected with AIDS world wide.