Assignment 3: Reading History Timeline

  • Kindergarten

    Reading picture books with my mom, as a class, and by myself was something that I enjoyed - I loved seeing the beautiful illustrations in the wide array of books that were around me.
  • 1st-3rd Grade

    1st-3rd Grade
    I had quite the Junie B. Jones chapter book collection that I read ravenously throughout these years. It was fun to relate to a sassy character and was able to complete AR tests and reading logs with these books.
  • 4th-5th Grade

    4th-5th Grade
    This is where reading got more difficult for me. I tended to place into the lower level reading classes as I had very little interest and low comprehension skills. I think that definitely lowered my confidence, but in hindsight, I know it was for my benefit. At this point, books were harder to read and I rarely finished reading logs as required by my teachers.
  • 6th-8th Grade

    6th-8th Grade
    I don't quite remember this point in my life as a time that I was reading for pleasure, but reading for necessity. This was a more textbook heavy era in my schooling. This often looked like reading a chapter and then writing an essay or answering a worksheet based on what was read. Textbooks were hard to read, but throughout middle school, it did get easier as most textbooks follow similar formats.
  • 9th-10th Grade

    9th-10th Grade
    These years were a highlight of my reading journey. Learning how to read a novel and write an argumentative essay was actually really fun. Reading classics like Romeo & Juliet and the Giver could be boring, but I learned new words, new ways of writing, and how to have fun with writing an essay and coming up with a non-traditional argument.
  • 11th-12th Grade

    11th-12th Grade
    At this point, my teachers were focusing on garnering the skills to read a passage, quickly identify key components, and write an essay in a short amount of time. This was mainly for test prep, but I think this really served as college readiness for me.
  • Community College - Pre-Deciding Major

    Community College - Pre-Deciding Major
    For my early time at community college, this consisted of attending lectures, writing book discussions based on assigned novels or passages, and engaging in semester-long research papers. I learned to enjoy the formula of researching, reading, and writing these essays as well as the peer review process.