Aragon Vocabulary Timeline

By EricaA
  • staggered

    Marley & Me By John Grogan
    "As the paramedic and i stood watching he staggered away in the direction of the liquor store." (Grogan 42) staggered-to walk or move
  • repercussions

    Th1rteen R3asons Why By Jay Asher "Its about the repercussions of what you did"(Asher p 42) -an unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
  • Muffled

    Th1rteen R3asons Why-Jay Asher (of a sound) not loud because of being obstructed in some way; muted.
    "they heard the sounds of muffled voices" (Asher p74
  • telltale

    Th1rteen R3asons Why-Jay Asher "but suddenly after the telltale hair cut ...nothing"(Asher 164) -revealing, indicating, or betraying something.
  • crouch

    Thirteen reasons why-Jay Asher
    ¨i would crouch down yelling at him to get away from there but was to afraid to go over there and pick him up.¨(Asher p-258) adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, sometimes to avoid detection or to defend oneself.
  • cajoled

    If i stay Gayle Forman
    " shed pestered,cajoled,and sometimes yelled at dad to get a license ,but he insisted that he preferred pedal power"(Forman 12)
    -persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.
  • guffaw

    -If I Stay Gayle Forman
    -"Dad and i guffaw at the same time(Forman 5)"
    - a loud and boisterous laugh.
  • sheepishly

    If I Stay By Gayle Forman
    "the dealer sheepishly smiled back and didnt say a word."(Forman74)
    embarrassed and not confident
  • swivels

    -If I Stay by Grayle Forman -"Adam swivels around and hugs Willow with such force that her feet lifted up off the fround." -turn around a point or axis or on a swivel.
  • acoustic

    If I Stay -Gayle Forman
    "He was riffing about on about his acoustic guitar"(Forman 211)
    -(of popular music or musical instruments) not having electrical amplification.
  • Dilapidated

    Boy Proof-Cecil Castell
    -(of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.
    -"The theater is dilapidated,frayed at the edges ,stale smelling."
  • gentrification (98)

    gentrification (98)
    Boy Proof pg 81-138
    "Gentrification hasnt quite hit the side of downtown" (Castellucci 98)
    -the process of making a person or activity more refined or polite.
  • wrenching

    The 5th wave pg-62
    Burned-pg start -9
    -" with his first breath of air,he released a wrenching cry of despair,echoing her last word "no"."
    -pull or twist (someone or something) suddenly and violently.
  • vestiges

    Burned pg-3
    "...he had not the strength to reach above and feed his soul from the wispy vestiges of the Otherworld that floated there."
    -a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
  • unifected

    The 5th Wave -like a lot of the uninfected ,Chris has a bad case of the twitches ,always waiting for the other shoes to drop.
    • not harboring a pathogen
  • embeded

    The 5th Wave
    -There were a thing inside Chris controlling him that had embedded itself into his brain sometime in the past .
    -fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass.
  • insertion

    The 5th Wave-pg 160-213
    "AFTER THE DOCTOR bandages the insertion point, she makes a note on his chair"(Yancey 204)
    -the action of inserting something.
  • irreversible (273)

    irreversible (273)
    The 5th Wave -pgs 241-275 -not able to be undone or altered -Once i take the irreversible step of confrinting him, its pretty much game over.
  • cunning

    The 5th Wave
    They filled us up with hate and cunning and the spirit of vengeance -having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion.
  • nauseating

    The 5th Wave
    the door opens behind me and a wave of nauseating fumes roar out .
    -causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust; disgusting.
  • vivid

    the 5th wave
    i have a very vivid image of ramming the end of the rifle against Vosch's temple and blowing his head off his shoulders.
    -producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  • pinpricks (376)

    pinpricks (376)
    The 5th Wave
    "There are the stars,the pinpricks of light stabbing down.(Yance 376)"
    -a cause of minor irritation.
  • skulking

    -move stealthily or furtively. -i grab his hand and head for the tunnel,keeping my shoulders back and head up,because skulking to the nearest exit like shaggy and Scooby
  • infiltrate

    the 5th wave
    -if you tell me who helped you infiltrate this base (Yancey 436)
    -enter or gain access to
  • Scold

    The 5th Wave Rick Yancey
    - " quiet Sam,"i scold him (Yancey 429)
    -remonstrate with or rebuke (someone) angrily.
  • Stunned

    The 5th wave
    - Ben seems surprised by my bombshell response (Yancey 430)
    -astonish or shock (someone) so that they are temporarily unable to react.
  • evasive

    Marley and me
    "i'd say and as i approached he would begin evasive action(Grogan 25)
    -directed toward avoidance or escape.
  • exponentially

    Marley and Me "he was expanding exponentially in all directions"(Grogan 24)
    -more and more rapidly.
  • contrary

    Marley and Me "Quite tot he contrary, he was thriving"(Grogan 28)
    -opposite in nature, direction, or meaning
  • gynecological

    Marley and Me
    "After Mareky had given the poodle a full gynecological examination,Jenny was able to drag him back into place."(agorgan 61)
    -relating to the branch of physiology and medicine which deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system.