Apartheid: Jason Schutte

  • Period: to

    Apartheid: Jason Schutte

  • NP Empowerment

    The National Party came into power.
  • D. Milan becomes president

  • Prohibitation Of Mixed Marriage Act.

  • SACP

    The Communist Party of South Africa was banned
  • Population Registration Act

  • Group Areas Act

  • The Bantu Homelands Act.

  • Abolition of Passes and Coordinatio of documents Act.

  • Government banning leaders.

    The government banned ANC President Chief Albert Luthuli. This is when the banning and imprisoning of opposition leaders became commonplace.
  • SACP is re-established

    South African Communist Party is re-established as an underground organisation.
  • Bantu Education Act

  • Expelling

    Expelling of close to 60 000 people from "White Suburbs"
  • The Congress Of The People Held.

    This is where the freedom chart was adopted by delegates from the movement calling for a social democracy in South Africa
  • Carrying of passes extended.

    The carrying of passes was extended to women aswell
  • Coloureds removed from common voters poll

    They instead chose four white representatives for parliament
  • 20 000 Women protest against the pass laws

  • Formation of the Pan Africanist Congress

    The Pan Africanist Congress was formed under Robert Sobukwe
  • African representation in parliament abolished

  • Sharpeville Massacre

    Police open fire on a group of PAC supporters gathered around a police station in Sharpeville. Killing 69 people.
  • Pondaland Uprising

  • Anti-Pass law campaign begins

    The PAC started the anti-pass law campaign
  • Arrests

    18 000 People arrested
  • People still in detention

    10 500 people still in detention.
  • South Africa became a republic

  • ANC and PAC Banned

  • Nelson Mandela is imprisoned after Rivonia trial. High Treason

  • Henrik Verwoerd Asassinated

  • Indian Council nominated.

  • Coloured Representative Council

    The CRC was etsablished
  • Bureau of State Security was created

  • Black Conschousness Movement amongst African students

    This was led by Steven Biko
  • Government Budget deficit rises

  • Transkei given self government

    There were elections held there.
  • Half of Indian council made elective.

  • Restrictions on Indian Councils movements repealed.

    Except the Free State where the ban on movement was retained.
  • Soweto Uprising