Enabling Act
This is a picture of when the Nazi's were at the Ophra house in Berli. Hitler was trying to pass the "Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich." Hitler had told the Reichstag that he will put and end to unemployment and promot peace with France, Great Britian, and the Solviet Union. He had to get 31 non- Nazi votes for this law to be passed. Hitler got these votes after he told them that they would get back some of their rights. The Nazis won as they jumped with excitment. -
Jewish Boycott
Hitler called for a boycott for all of the Jewish company’s in Germany. They told the Germans that if they bought from any Jewish company that they were traitors. Across the windows of the Jewish stores the word Jude was written (a sign of the Nazi's). Although the boycott only lasted for one day it increased violence against the Jews. -
Aryan Law (Civil Service= Government Jobs)
The first anti-Jewish law was passed (the Aryan Law). Jews had very few rights. They couldn't work in the theater, with music, or with books. Jews weren’t even allowed to work in the German hospitals. -
Berlin Book Burning
After the Aryan law was passed many students took place in the Berlin Book Burning. These students took the books that were published by Jews and burned them. These books were burned, because the Nazi's believed that they weren't good enough and didn't fit in. -
Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws were passed. One part was called "The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor." The second part was called "The Reich Citizenship laws. The main idea of the protection law was that Jews and German couldn't interact with each ohter. While the Reich law was about no jews could be reich and that only the reich taht were full citizens could enjoy full rights. -
Law#174- Jewish name change
If any Jews didn't have a name that was considered Jewish, then they had to pick a name from a list of names that were Jewish. If the boys didn't have a middle name they would be assigned the middle name Israel and if a girl didn't have a middle name they would be assigned the middle name Sarah. -
Night of Broken Glass
Many Jewish businesses got burnt down and Jewish people got beat. This was known as "Kristallnacht." Later the Nazi held a meeting and decided that the Jewish had to pay for all of the damages. To pay off the damages Jews had to give the Nazi's their valuables. The Jews got many things taken away from them. For example the couldn’t have TV’s, phones, pets, they couldn’t go to school, or use swimming pools. The Nazi's just kept making laws and taking things from the Jews. -
Jewish Star Requirement
No sixteen year old or older was allowed to be seen without wearing the Jewish star. The star was a symbol for shame. Jews weren't avble to leave thier homes without be told they can, they couldn't leve the country (so they were basically trapped in Germany).