Anne bradsteet

Anne Bradstreet

  • Anne Bradstreet was born

    Anne Bradstreet was born
    Anne was born in Northampton England. Her parents were Tomas Dudley and Dorthy Yorke Dudley. Anne was her parents first daughter. She was the second of five children.

    the meaning of the poem is God's guidance and comfort. She wrote it 1612. But was not published till 1672.
  • Marriage to Simson Bradstreet

    Marriage to Simson Bradstreet
    At age 16 Anne got married to Simson. Simon became a governor of the colony. Together they have eight children. Her new husband was nine years older than she was.
  • Arived in America

    Arived in America
    Anne Bradstreet first arived in American on June 14, 1630. At what is now Pioneer Village (Salem, Massachusetts) with Simon, her parents and other voyagers. The family settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
  • Anne and Simsons first son

    Anne and Simsons first son
    Anne and Simon Bradstreet begin their family with a son. Anne had her first child, Samuel.There first kid was born in Newe Towne.
  • Help found Havard

    Help found Havard
    Both Annes father and husdand had a part of it. They both help found Harvard. They help found Harvard University in was a big part of helping it get started.
  • Anne's illness

    Anne's illness
    Anne had got small pox .After getting small pox she got this illness. The illness made anne veary sick and week.
  • The Tenth Muse is published

    The Tenth Muse is published
    Anne's brother had her poetry published without her knowing.In 1650, Master Stephen Bowtell, a London publisher and bookseller, Published a book of poems titled THE TENTH MUSE.
  • The last kid of the bradstreet family

    The last kid of the bradstreet family
    Bradstreet's youngest son was born. John, is born and completes the Bradstreet's family. he is the youngest of eight children.
  • To Her Father wrote with Some Verses

    To Her Father wrote with Some Verses
    The poem was wrote to explain the role that her father had and how she saw him in the Puritan society.In the beginning of the poem, it is apparent that Bradstreet loves her father. It was poplished in 16
  • Son's graduate from Havard

    Son's graduate from Havard
    In 1660 Simon graduates from Harvard. Also in 1653 Samuel graduated from Harvard. I am sure Anne was proud of both of them.
  • The fire

    The fire
    Their North Andover family home burned.By then, Anne's health was slowly getting worse. She had tuberculosis and had to deal with the loss of cherished relatives.
  • Grandson dies

    Grandson dies
    Anne's bradstreet grandson dies. Annes grandsons name was Simson Bradstreet. The cause off Simsons death is unknown.
  • To My Loving Husband is published

    To My Loving Husband is published
    To my loving husband is a poem that Anne wrote to her Husband. She wrote this in 1612. But it was not published untill 1672.
  • Anne Bradstreet passes away

    Anne Bradstreet passes away
    Anne Bradstreet died on September 16, 1672 at the age of 60. She died after a few months' illness. The cause of death is not certain, the likelihood is that it was her tuberculosis. She died in North Andover Massachusses.