French and Indian War
War between Great Britian and France. Great Britian gains Canada. Its important because they start to tax the colonies. -
Stamp Act
Taxed anything that was printed on paper (Ex.): books, legal documents, and stamps. It was important because Great Britian started to put heavy taxes on the colonies and were denying their rights. -
Boston Massacre
The colonists antagonized the British army in Boston which led them to shoot at the colonists and kill 5 of them. It was important because the colonists viewed it as Great Britain would kill anyone so the got new loyal recruits to join the colony's side against Great Britian -
Boston Tea Party
The colonists were tired of being told what tea they had to drink so the dumped over 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. It was important because they were starting to rebel against Great Britain becasue they were limiting their rights and told them what they had to do. -
Intolerable Acts
Series of acts that put limits on the colonists rights. It was important because Great Britian was limiting the rights of the colonies and the colonists were tired of it so they start to rebel. -
Lexington and Concord
British troops march to Lexington and Concord in search of weapons and gun powder. American troops attack them and defet Great Britain. It was important because the colonies won giving them more confidence in the defeting Great Britain in the American Revolution -
Declaration of Independence
The colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. It ended the American Revolution -
Battle at Saratoga
Americans capture an entire British army and proves to France that they have a chance of winning the Revolution. It was important because France decides to help the colonies against Great Britain -
Battle of Yorktown
British armies get surrounded by the American and French armies. It was important because it was the last battle of the American Revolution -
Treaty of Paris
American breaks awaty from the king of Britain and claims their independence. It ends the Revolution -
The Constitution lists the rights of the colonists. It shows that they took the peoples rights and freedom into consideration -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 laws of the Constitution. It's important because it lists the common rights for the people (Ex.):freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion