Required Education
Many states started to require children to go to school. Due to this, nearly 14,000 high schools were built, more than the 6,000 by 1900. -
American Imperialism
The U.S. began to expand their land area to increse the power and wealth. Also, to to improve others lives in many ways by doing so. -
Foreign Affair Became Serious
The U.S. began to increase foreign trade incrediblbly. Even with the newly opened oppurtunities with Japan. -
We Gain Hawaii
America anexes Hawaii. With extereme talk between Hawaii natives. -
Limiting Working
Many Americans were dying and living misserable lives because of the working hours and condtions. Then, the government began to save and preserve Americans by shortening hours and improving the conditions in all businesses and shops. -
The Attempt to Limit Business Monopolies
The government was spread with officials who are apart of monopolies. Which began to break up because of the many people who wanted monopolies to not occur any more. -
The Public's Help In WWI
Th U.S. has just joined WWI. And running out of supplies fast. So, U.S. citizens began to buy war bonds to improve our military's effectiveness n the battlefield. -
Women got the Right To Vote
Women battled long and hard to be recogninzed as true Americans. Which gave tem that right to vote through women's sufferage. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression became the worst economic downfall in U.S. history. So bad, people ad to stand in bread lines just to have something to eat. -
The New Deal Deal
FDR created the New Deal to give the U.S. people something to be happy about. And to let them know that the president was actually trying to help with the situation. -
The Japanese
The Japanese began to invade and attack many areas that were unoccupied to gain power over Asia. This played a key role in the involvment with WWII for the U.S. -
Beginning of Isolationalism
After terrible occurances the U.S,. government began isolationalism. To keep away from the broken doen relations in Europe and Asia. -
U.S. Goes To War
After the tradgedies at Pearl HArbor. The U.S. Delcared war against the Japanese Empire to avenge the fallen Americans. -
The Iron Curtain Affect
Great Britain's Winston Churchill deployed his "Iro Curtain" which shielded all of the Soviet Union from the outside world. One of that parts of it was the Berlin Blockade. -
Nuclear Arms Race
The Americans created the Hydrogen bomb in 1952. Then, the Russians put it on themselves to create one as well. Which is what caused such tension between the two nations. -
Blacks Civil Rights Movement
Blacks did movement and much more to earn the right to become a true American. Also, Seperate but equal is officially illegal. -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Russians were threatening the U.S. to get their missiles out of Turkey. Which was why they were moving towards Cuba to stop all missiles from being launched. -
Minorities became Averages
Due t o all of these movements to help improve the U.S. as a nation. Also helped give a word to all the mionorites at the time. -
No More Danger
The Russians were not a problem anymore. They did their own thing, we did ours. -
Let the Ideas Flow
Because of this great feat. The world has never been more freely spoken since the Cold War ended. -
Even Things Out
Everything evened out as well by the end of the Cold War. Which is great talking about foregin policy. -
Works Cited
American History Book
http://www.miamieast.k12.oh.us/cms/lib02/OH01001222/Centricity/Domain/167/Imperialism to WWI PDF.pdf
http://www.amazon.com/Access-History-Prosperity-Depression-1890-1954/dp/0340965886 ( Summary for the ideas )