American History by Kirsty and Shannon- Media

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    First Modern Credit Card Introduced
    First Organ Transplant
    First "Peanuts" Cartoon Strip
    Korean War Begins
    Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch Hunt
    U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb
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    Color TV Introduced
    South Africans Forced to Carry ID Cards Identifying Race
    Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII
    Winston Churchill Again Prime Minister of Great Britain
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    Car Seat Belts Introduced
    The Great Smog of 1952
    Jacques Cousteau Discovers Ancient Greek Ship
    Polio Vaccine Created
    Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen at Age 25
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    DNA Discovered
    First Playboy Magazine
    Hillary and Norgay Climb Mt. Everest
    Joseph Stalin Dies
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for Espionage
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    Britain Sponsors an Expedition to Search for the Abominable Snowman
    First Atomic Submarine Launched
    Report Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer
    Roger Bannister Breaks the Four-Minute Mile
    Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S.
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    Disneyland Opens
    Emmett Till Murdered
    James Dean Dies in Car Accident
    McDonald's Corporation Founded
    Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus
    Warsaw Pact Signed
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    Elvis Gyrates on Ed Sullivan's Show
    Grace Kelly Marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco
    Hungarian Revolution
    Khrushchev Denounces Stalin
    Suez Crisis
    T.V. Remote Control Invented
    Velcro Introduced
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    Dr. Seuss Publishes The Cat in the Hat
    European Economic Community Established
    Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age
    Laika Becomes the First Living Animal to Enter Orbit
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    Boris Pasternak Refuses Nobel Prize
    Chinese Leader Mao Zedong Launches the "Great Leap Forward"
    Hope Diamond is Donated to the Smithsonian
    Hula Hoops Become Popular
    LEGO Toy Bricks First Introduced
    NASA Founded
    Peace Symbol Created
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    Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba
    International Treaty Makes Antarctica Scientific Preserve
    Kitchen Debate Between Nixon and Khrushchev
    The Sound of Music Opens on Broadway
    U.S. Quiz Shows Found to be Fixed
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    Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho Released
    Brazil's Capital Moves to Brand New City
    First Televised Presidential Debates
    Lasers Invented
    Lunch Counter Sit-In at Woolworth's in Greenboro, NC
    Most Powerful Earthquake Ever Recorded Hits Chile
    Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa
    The Birth Control Pill Is Approved by the FDA
    Walsh and Piccard Become the First to Explore the Deepest Place on Earth
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    Adolf Eichmann on Trial for Role in Holocaust
    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Berlin Wall Built
    Freedom Riders Challenge Segregation on Interstate Buses
    JFK Gives "Man on the Moon" Speech
    Peace Corps Founded
    Soviets Launch First Man in Space
    Stalin's Body Removed From Lenin's Mausoleum
    The Antarctic Treaty Goes Into Force
    Tsar Bomba, the Largest Nuclear Weapon to Ever Be Exploded
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    Andy Warhol Exhibits His Campbell's Soup Can
    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Famous Escape From Alcatraz
    First James Bond Movie
    First Person Killed Trying to Cross the Berlin Wall
    First Wal-Mart Opens
    James Meredith Admitted Into the Segregated University of Mississippi
    Johnny Carson Takes Over the Tonight Show
    Marilyn Monroe Found Dead
    Rachel Carson Publishes Silent Spring
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    16th Street Baptist Church Bombing
    Betty Friedan Publishes The Feminine Mystique
    Buddhist Monk Sets Himself on Fire in Protest
    First Dr. Who Episode Airs
    First Woman in Space
    Great Train Robbery in England
    "Hot Line" Established Between U.S. and U.S.S.R.
    JFK Assassinated
    March on Washington
    Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech
    Medgar Evers Is Murdered
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    Beatles Become Popular in U.S.
    Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhammad Ali) Becomes World Heavyweight Champion
    Civil Rights Act Passes in U.S.
    Hasbro Launches GI Joe Action Figure
    Italy Asks for Help to Stabilize the Leaning Tower of Pisa
    Japan's First Bullet Train Line Opens
    Nelson Mandela Sentenced to Life in Prison
    Warren Report on JFK's Assassination Issued
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    British Sea Gem Oil Rig Collapses
    Los Angeles Riots
    Malcolm X Assassinated
    Miniskirt First Appears
    Nicolae Ceausescu Comes to Power in Romania
    New York City Great Blackout
    The Rolling Stones’ Mega Hit Song, “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”
    U.S. Sends Troops to Vietnam
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    Nazi Albert Speer Released From Spandau Prison
    Black Panther Party Established
    First Kwanzaa Celebrated
    Mao Zedong Launches the Cultural Revolution
    Mass Draft Protests in U.S.
    National Organization for Women (NOW) Founded
    Star Trek T.V. Series Airs
    Two Multi-Ton Chunks of the Mundrabilla Meteorite Found
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    Australian Prime Minister Disappears
    Che Guevara Killed
    First Heart Transplant
    First Super Bowl
    Six-Day War in the Middle East
    Stalin's Daughter Defects
    Three U.S. Astronauts Killed During Simulated Launch
    Thurgood Marshall Becomes the First African-American U.S. Supreme Court Justice
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    Japan's 300 Million Yen Robbery
    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    My Lai Massacre
    Nerve Gas Leak in Utah Kills 6,000 Sheep
    Prague Spring
    Robert F. Kennedy Assassinated
    Spy Ship USS Pueblo Captured
    Tet Offensive
    Zodiac Killer Strikes
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    ARPANET, the Precursor of the Internet, Created
    Manson Family Murders
    Neil Armstrong Becomes the First Man on the Moon
    Rock-and-Roll Concert at Woodstock
    Senator Edward Kennedy Leaves the Scene of an Accident
    Sesame Street First Airs
    Yasser Arafat Becomes Leader of the PLO
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    Aswan High Dam Completed
    Beatles Break Up
    Computer Floppy Disks Introduced
    Palestinian Group Hijacks Five Planes
    Kent State Shootings
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    London Bridge Brought to the U.S.
    United Kingdom Changes to Decimal System for Currency
    VCRs Introduced
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    M*A*S*H T.V. Show Premiers
    Mark Spitz Wins Seven Gold Medals
    Pocket Calculators Introduced
    Terrorists Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich
    Watergate Scandal Begins
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    Roe vs Wade Legalizes Abortion in the U.S.
    Paul Getty Kidnapped
    Sears Tower Built
    U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam
    U.S. Vice President Resigns
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    Halie Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, Deposed
    Mikhail Baryshnikov Defects
    Patty Hearst Kidnapped
    Terracotta Army Discovered in China
    U.S. President Nixon Resigns
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    Arthur Ashe First Black Man to Win Wimbledon
    Cambodian Genocide Begins
    Civil War in Lebanon
    Microsoft Founded
    Pol Pot Becomes the Communist Dictator of Cambodia
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    First Ebola Virus Outbreaks Strike Sudan and Zaire
    Nadia Comaneci Given Seven Perfect Tens
    North and South Vietnam Join to Form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
    Tangshan Earthquake Kills Over 240,000
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    Elvis Found Dead
    Miniseries Roots Airs
    South African Anti-Apartheid Leader Steve Biko Tortured to Death
    Star Wars Movie Released
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    First Test-Tube Baby Born
    John Paul II Becomes Pope
    Jonestown Massacre
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    Ayatollah Khomeini Returns as Leader of Iran
    Iran Takes American Hostages in Tehran
    Margaret Thatcher First Woman Prime Minister of Great Britain
    Mother Teresa Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
    Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island
    Sony Introduces the Walkman
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    Failed U.S. Rescue Attempt to Save Hostages in Tehran
    John Lennon Assassinated
    Mount St. Helens Erupts
    Pac-Man Video Game Released
    Rubik's Cube Becomes Popular
    Ted Turner Establishes CNN
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    Assassination Attempt on the Pope
    Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Reagan
    First Woman Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court
    Millions Watch Royal Wedding on T.V.
    New Plague Identified as AIDS
    Personal Computers (PC) Introduced by IBM
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    E.T. Movie Released
    Falkland Islands Invaded by Argentina
    King Henry VIII's Ship the Mary Rose Raised After 437 Years
    Michael Jackson Releases Thriller
    Reverend Sun Myung Moon Marries 2,075 Couples at Madison Square Garden
    Vietnam War Memorial Opened in Washington, DC
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    Cabbage Patch Kids Are Popular
    Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called Star Wars
    Sally Ride Becomes the First American Woman in Space
    Soviets Shoot Down a Korean Airliner
    U.S. Embassy in Beirut Bombed
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    Huge Poison Gas Leak in Bhopal, India
    Indira Gandhi, India's Prime Minister, Killed by Two Bodyguards
    PG-13 Movie Rating Created
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    Famine in Ethiopia
    Hole in the Ozone Layer Discovered
    Mikhail Gorbachev Calls for Glasnost and Perestroika
    New Coke Hits the Market
    Wreck of the Titanic Found
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    Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes
    Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    Ferdinand Marcos Flees the Philippines
    Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds
    U.S. Bombs Libya
    U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station
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    DNA First Used to Convict Criminals
    Klaus Barbie, the Nazi Butcher of Lyons, Sentenced to Life in Prison
    New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop on "Black Monday"
    West German Pilot Lands Unchallenged in Russia's Red Square
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    Pan Am Flight 103 Is Bombed Over Lockerbie
    U.S. Shoots Down Iranian Airliner
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    Berlin Wall Falls
    Exxon Valdez Spills Millions of Gallons of Oil on Coastline
    Students Massacred in China's Tiananmen Square
    U.S. President Bush Announces That He Doesn't Like Broccoli
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    Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space
    Lech Walesa Becomes First President of Poland
    Nelson Mandela Freed
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    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    Copper Age Man Found Frozen in Glacier
    Operation Desert Storm
    South Africa Repeals Apartheid Laws
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    Official End of the Cold War
    Riots in Los Angeles After the Rodney King Verdict
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    Cult Compound in Waco, Texas Raided
    Lorena Bobbitt Takes Brutal Revenge
    Use of the Internet Grows Exponentially
    World Trade Center Bombed
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    Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France
    Nelson Mandela Elected President of South Africa
    O.J. Simpson Arrested for Double Murder
    Rwandan Genocide
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    Sarin Gas Attack in Tokyo Subway
    Oklahoma City Bombing
    Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated
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    Mad Cow Disease Hits Britain
    Two Royal Divorces
    Unabomber Arrested
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    British Au Pair on Trial for Murder
    Hale-Bopp Comet Visible
    Hong Kong Returned to China
    Pathfinder Sends Back Images of Mars
    Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash
    Scientists Clone Sheep
    Tallest Buildings in the World Built in Kuala Lumpur
    Tiger Woods Wins Masters
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    India and Pakistan Test Nuclear Weapons
    Titanic Most Successful Movie Ever
    U.S. President Clinton Impeached
    Viagra on the Market
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    The Euro the New European Currency
    Fear of Y2K Bug
    JFK Jr. Dies in Plane Accident
    Killing Spree at Columbine High School
    NATO Attacks Serbia
    Panama Canal Returns to Panama
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    Elian Gonzalez Goes Home
    Mapping the Human Genome
    "ILOVEYOU" Virus Hits Thousands of Computers
    Microsoft Ordered to Split
    Russian Submarine Sunk in Barents Sea
    Unclear Winner in U.S. Presidential Election
    USS Cole Bombed
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    Wikipedia is launched
    George Bush is sworn in as the 43rd President of the USA
    Space station Mir is deorbited
    The world's first space tourist
    A devastating terrorist attack leaves 3,000 dead in America
    Apple launches the iPod
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    The Euro enters circulation
    Apple introduces the iMac G4
    The world's first cyborg
    The dwarf planet Quaoar is discovered
    The deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia
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    Space Shuttle Columbia disaster
    The invasion of Iraq
    The Human Genome Project is completed
    Record heatwaves kill tens of thousands in Europe
    MySpace is launched
    China launches its first manned space mission
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    The emergence of Web 2.0
    George W. Bush is re-elected
    Athens hosts the Olympic Games
    Mars Exploration Rovers
    Facebook is launched
    World's first 1 gigabyte SD card
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    Huygens probe reveals images of Titan's surface
    YouTube is launched
    The Deep Impact probe collides its impactor with comet 9P/Tempel
    USB flash drives replace floppy disks
    Hurricane Katrina floods New Orleans
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    Twitter is launched
    Saddam Hussein is executed
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    Global economic downturn
    Apple debuts the iPhone
    Amazon releases the Kindle
    Google Street View is launched
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    Beijing hosts the Olympic games
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    Barack Obama is sworn in as 44th president of the USA
    Major breakthrough in cancer research
    Water is discovered on the Moon
    Mercury is 98% mapped
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    Apple debuts the Ipad
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    The death of Osama bin Laden
    The world's first synthetic organ transplant
    The Space Shuttle fleet is retired
    Global population reaches 7bn
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    Economic turmoil continues
    Mars Science Lab explores the Red Planet
    Windows 8 is released Quad-core smartphones and tablets
    Nintendo launches the Wii U
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    Birth of a royal baby
    China overtakes the USA in scientific research
    Launch of the PS4 and Xbox 720