American Cultures II: Weryha

  • Segregation

    In 1896, the Supreme Court passed a law that basically said segragation was alright, as long as both sides were given equal rights. Both could do the exact same thing, just had to do it with their own race.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The Spanish-American War was a conflict between Spain and the United States. It took place for about four months. In the end the United States gained control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
  • Free Philippines!

    Free Philippines!
    General Emilio Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines after they lost The Battle of Manila Bay. The U.S and Spain would not recognize their movement and would not until 1946!
  • Gentlements Agreement

    Gentlements Agreement
    The U.S. and Japan make an agreement that Japan will be able to migrate to the United States. The goal was to cut tension between the two powerful nations. This ended in 1924
  • Steel!

    On March 3, 1901, steel is finally organized and sold. Steel at this time was very important to the foundation of our country with building and reconstructing damage. The steel industry was a billion dollar industry at this time.
  • Strike 1!

    Strike 1!
    On May 12, 1902, the mine workers stage a strike against anthracite coal operators. They striked because of the unfair pay, and horrible work hours. President Roosevelt appointed a commision to mediate the settlement.
  • Orville Wright

    Orville Wright
    The first form of flight was discovered by Orville Wright. He lasted 12 seconds in the air which was magnifacent for this time period. This led to new discoveries and started a new era which helped further our countrys interest in flying.
  • Roosevelt Collary

    Roosevelt Collary
    Germany demanded a port in the Dominican Republic but Roosevelt refused. He ensured he had the problem under control. This is when Roosevelt declared they would be the policemen to the Dominican Republic.
  • Supreme Court

    Supreme Court
    The Supreme Court make a New York law that says a banker cant have any employees work more than 60 hours a week or 10 hours a day.
  • Earthquake!!!!

    San Fransisco has an earthquake that kills 400 people.
  • Setting Sail!

    Setting Sail!
    Sixteen battleships set off for an around the world cruise.
  • Riot!

    There was two days of rioting which resulted in 2000 african americans being forced out of the city.
  • Automobile!

    Henry Ford introduces his first model of the automobile.
  • Population

    The population at this time is 91,972,266!
  • Fire!

    On March 25th, 146 jewish and Italian immigrants are killed in a fire at New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Company.
  • Strike 2!

    Strike 2!
    On January 7th, 25,000 textile workers go on strike against the American Wool Company.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Henry Ford invents the assembly line making his mass production of the automobile very successful!
  • World War I

    World War I
    Ferdinand will be assissanated and later events lead to the start of World War I!
  • Peace?

    Henry Ford invents a Peace Ship in attempt to end World War I.
  • Bombs Away!

    A bomb explodes at a pro-war parade and kills ten people!
  • War!

    The military institutes a draft which requires all men 21-30 to register.
  • Shipped Goods

    Shipped Goods
    The Supreme Court passes a law that prohibits the interestate shipment of goods made by minors.
  • Man Down!

    Man Down!
    President Wilson has a stroke.
  • Vote Now!

    Vote Now!
    The womens suffrage ammendment gets certified!