To kill a mockingbird 0pw1ub5j.4xn

Aha moments TKAM

  • Dill Stays

    This event is at the beginning of the chapter when Aunt Alexandra tells Dill he can stay with her instead of having to go back. Dill is very excited to stay closer to his cousins. (Pg.193)
  • Jail

    This event is when it is decided that Tom Robinson would be moved to the Maycomb County Jail.(Pg.197)
  • Murder Plan

    When the men that were planning to murder Tom Robinson realized that they were wrong to do so and decide to leave him alone.(Pg.203)
  • Atticus In Jail

    This is when Atticus goes to visit Tom Robinson in jail and the kids follow him there. There they see Mr. Cunningham and Scout asks him multiple questions to find out if he remembered her.