Initial Interest meeting
Initial meeting of group interested in exploring the creation of a group of stakeholders. Held in LaGrange, GA. -
Period: to
ACFS - the Beginning
ECR Workshops
Through Nov 2008, workshop meetings throughout the basin conducted by Environmental Conflict Resolution group. -
Steering Committee forms
Initial Steering Committee meeting at Lake Blackshear, GA. -
Steering Committee meets
Steering Committee meets at Columbus Water Works and appoints 10-member panel to finalize charter and bylaws. -
Charter / Bylaws finalized
10-member panel holds 3 day meeting at George Bagby State Park to finalize charter and bylaws. -
Steering Committee meets
Steering Committee meeting Lake Point Lodge, Eufaula, AL. Charter approved and Interim Task Force appointed. December date set for initial Governing Board meeting in Albany, GA. -
ACFS Incorporates
ACF Stakehoders, Inc. incorporated in State of Georgia. Interim officers named:
•Wilton Rooks - Upper Chattahoochee - President
•Vince Falcione - Flint - Vice President
•Billy Turner - Lower & Middle Chattahoochee - Treasurer
•Dan Tonsmeire - Apalachicola - Secretary -
Membership campaign begins
ACFS launches membership campaignand begins accepting applications from prospective members. -
ACFS Membership strengthens
Major power companies join with environmental groups to address ACF Basin challenges. Cities, counties, businesses, advocacy groups agree to work together. -
Governing Board meets
The first Governing Board meeting was held in Albany, GA, with over 60 people in attendance.The Executive Committee was selected with one representative from each of the four sub-basins. Five Standing Committees were selected with volunteers from the Governing Board and General Members in attendance. -
Standing Committees make progress
The Standing Committees selected their chair and/or co-chairs. Each committee is preparing a work plan to present to the full Governing Board at the Feb meeting in Apalachicola, FL. -
Standing Committees finalizing plans
The Standing Committees are finalizing work plans to present to the Governing Board for discussion and approval. -
Three Primary Work Groups progress
The three primary work groups have finished documenting the water needs of the various stakeholder interests, sustainability issues, and data and modeling issues. The results will be the main subject at the upcoming Governing Board meeting at Lake Lanier Islands, GA. -
Work Groups progress
The Facilitations Work Group is recommending the selection of the three land grant universities to provide meeting and process facilitation services.
The Needs-Data-Sustainability Work Group conducted webinar sessions on 4 selected hydrologic models to be discussed at the Sept GB meeting.
The Do-Better Work Group posted a water quantity and water quality survey for GB members. The results will be discussed at the Sept GB meeting. -
First Annual Meeting
The first Annual Meeting was held in conjunction with the December Governing Board meeting at Lake Blackshear, GA. These meetings saw the first transition of officers and Governing Board members. In addition the Charter was amended to allow for 8 members for the Executive Committee, 2 from each subbasin. Governing Board meeting: a Scope of Work was approved that will be sent to qualified technical consulting firms to develop sustainable water management scenarios using available modeling tools. -
Governing Board Meeting - Apalachicola
Review Sustainable Water Management Plan list of proposed vendors. Approve Executive Committee to proceed with draft of Scope of Work. Approave 2011 and 5 year Action Plan. -
Governing Board Meeting - George Bagby State Park
Review progress on Sustainable Water Management Plan. Hear report on FWS PAL document. -
Consultants Interview - Albany Ga
Interview Black & Veatch and Atkins for more details on their proposals for Sustainable Water Management Plan. -
Governing Board Meeting - Lake Lanier Islands
Governing Board meets and approves motion to proceed with Phase 1 of Sustainable Water Management Plan project with Black & Veatch and Atkins as consultants. Approved creation of work group to study and recommend action on resrvoir action zones. -
Period: to
Governing Board Meeting - Lake Lanier Islands
Governing Board meets and approves motion to proceed with Phase 1 of Sustainable Water Management Plan project with Black & Veatch and Atkins as consultants. Approved creation of work group to study and recommend action on resrvoir action zones.