Aug 3, 1492
First voyage (spainards)
Christopher Columbus bids farewell to the queen while departing on his voyage to the new world. -
Aug 18, 1497
John Cabot discovers North America (Italian)
John Cabot is said to be the first explorer to explore north amaerica other than the vikings. -
Aug 18, 1521
Hernando Cortez defeats the Aztec empire (spain)
Aug 18, 1533
Francisco Pizarro defeats Inca empire (spain)
Sir Humphrey Gilbert (English)
Well known navigators such as, Francis Drake and Martin Forbisher contributed dedicatory poems for Sir Humphrey to take with him. -
Dutch defeat Spanish Armadan
This was the beginning of the Dutch golden age of exploration -
First settlement in new world (english)
the first perminent settlement in the new world is called Jamestown -
Samuel De Champlin founded Quebec (French)
Samuel was credited for being the founder of Quebec while in reality he only spent a short amount of time there. -
Henry Hudson (Dutch)
Henry Hudson was sent out on an exploration to find North America. -
Dutch take west Indies
The Dutch seize the westIndies from the Spanish and for what is now know as the Netherlands Antilles.