Employee Calls CSS
EE calls in stating that he did not receive his regular paycheck. After thorough research, the Tier 1 rep decides that a Nopay workitem needs to be opened so ops can look further into the issue. -
Research begins
Within 2 business days, someone in operations will begin research to determine the cause of the nopay. Assuming ops identfies the issue and is able to resolve the nopay item the sameday, they will open check request workitem. NOTE: If the client needs to be contacted, the workitem will be pended until the ops processor has everything they need to resolve the issue. -
Check request is processed
Within 2 business days from the check request being opened, the check request will be processed. It is generally processed as default method (direct deposit or live check) unless specifically documented otherwise. (live check, overnighted) -
Live check overnighted
If a live check is processed and overnighted, the EE will receive it next day. Keep in mind that the funding for that check is not completed until 12PM EST, day of check date. This is important to remember because you may receive a call about someone that had a check overnighted and the bank is not able to cash it. -
The check is processed as Direct Deposit
If the check is processed as Direct Deposit, the employee will have access to the funds within 3 business days from the check date. This timeframe is a combination of the deposit file to be sent to the bank, the funding to be completed and the bank to verify the funds and make them available to the employee. -
Live check is sent Regular Mail
If the live check is sent by regular mail, it will be mailed out the day it was processed and can take up to 7 business days for receipt.