The loom
The first programmable machine was the loom. It was a machine for weaving cloth. It was invented by Joseph-Marie Jaquard. The loom had punched cards that let colored string through to create different patterns. -
The Discovery
In 1837 a british mathemagicain Charles Babbage realized the puched cards ould store numbers and othr data. With this discovery He designed a computer called the Analytical Engine. He never inished the machine but his punch data cards were used i computers in the 1970s. -
The Z3
The Z3 was built by a german Konrad Zuse in 1941. The Z3 was the first prpgrammable computer that wasn't tied to a specific function. -
The Mark One
The Harvard University and IBM joined up t make the Mark 1. The Mark1 was a giant caculator that could perform any mathematical equations. It weighed % tons and ran on an electric motor. -
The ENIAC was even bigger than the mark1 and could perform 5000 opertions in one second. Fun Fact: It even helped build the hydrgen bomb because it was so powerful! -
Electronics on the inside
Miniture electronic devices known as intergrated circuts were invented. This meant that millions of transitionors could be greater produced. These transitionors were tiny compared to thevacumm tubes they were put in. -
In the 1970s there calculators more powerful than the roomsized computers. -
The first home computer
The company , Apple built the very firt home computer the Apple 2