20th Century Music

  • dissonance

    bring on the dissonance!in the 20th century music becomes more complexharmony becomes more and more dissonantthe change in the 20th century came when composers no longer felt that dissonant chords needed to have a resolutionmusic became so dissonant that atonal music came to be. atonal music is where no specific key could be determined either by reading or listening to the music
  • tone cluster

    tone cluster: a chord made up of tones only a half step or a whole stepanother approach to pitch organization-polytonality-two or more keys at one time. bitonality--only two different keys are used at once-- this technique is most commondeparture from tradition-atonality-absence of tonality or key
  • nontraditional meters

    nontraditional meters (with five or seven beats to the measure)polyrhythm- two or more contrasting independent rhythms at the same timeostinato- amotive or phrase that is repeated persistently at the same pitch throughout a section
  • Period: to

    Aaron Copeland

    aaron copland 1900-1990was a leading american composer after that of charles ivesmost of his well known works were written between 1925 and 1950lived in brooklyn but studied some in parishus music promoted american music including traditional american folk music
  • shoenberg

    schoenberg’s musiche began to write atonal music in 1908(absence of key)sprechstimme (literally, speech-voice) half way between speaking and singing
  • Stravinsky

    most famous composition of the 20th century: stravinsky’s rite of springnoise-like and percussive sounds are usedinstruments are played at the very top and very bottom of their rangesuncommon playing techniques:plissando (rapid slide up or down a scale)
  • WWI

  • New Scales

    composers began to use new scales to base melodies on which created new soundspentatonic scale: a five note scale initially based on the black keys on the piano. this was borrowed from folks songs and asian musicwhole tone scale: divides the normal scale into six equal parts. all intervals between notes are the same sizeoctatonic scale: eight notes that are determined by alternating between whole and half steps (stravinsky)
  • RFK

  • great depression

  • mlk born

  • Women's rights

  • Modernists vs. Traditionals

    modernists: were anti-traditionalism..they liked to expermient and were considered radicalsmodern composers include: claude debussyarnold schoenbergigor stravinckyrichard wagner
  • WW2

  • Cold War

  • Explosion of Music

    jazzrockpunkalternativeserialismatonalheavy metalfilm musicmusicalselectronicchancebluesswingragtime
  • stravinsky

    igor stravinskyhe was a legendary figure during his lifetimehis once revolutionary works became modern classicshe influenced three generations of composers and other artistshis friends were cultural giants like picasso and t.s. eliot
  • Korean War

  • Period: to

    Civil rights movement

  • JFK

  • Woodstock

  • Vietnam War

  • Stock market crash

  • 9/11

  • War on Terror

  • Iraq War

  • Current Financial Problems

  • no longer necessarily tied to traditional chords or to major and minor keysoften contains wide leaps that are difficult to sing

    no longer necessarily tied to traditional chords or to major and minor keysoften contains wide leaps that are difficult to sing
  • claude debussyhe linked the romantic era with the 20th centuryhis stress on tone color, atmosphere, and fluidity is characteristic of impressionism in musicmusic in societythe living room became the new “concert hall” - due to recordings, tv, and radioat

    claude debussyhe linked the romantic era with the 20th centuryhis stress on tone color, atmosphere, and fluidity is characteristic of impressionism in musicmusic in societythe living room became the new “concert hall” - due to recordings, tv, and radioat the same time, listeners were confused and/or disturbed by these new dissonances- so a lot of conductors at the time didn’t want to alienate their audiences so they chose not to perform these new works- and many of these composers were neg