2017 winter break

  • Road trip to San Francisco!

    Road trip to San Francisco!
    My parents, sister, and I drove to San Francisco to visit my two older cousins cousins and grandma from my moms side.We ended up meeting them in a area called Fishermans Wharf. After about six hours we finally made it to Fishermans Wharf. The first thing we did was find where my cousins were, once we found we all decided to eat at a restaurant name Aliotos. Then for the rest of the day we walked around the city and shopped for awhile.
  • Day two of San Francisco

    Day two of San Francisco
    At 10 in the morning, my family, cousins, and grandma left our hotels to visit Fishermans Wharf again. Once we got there, my parents paid for all of us to get a bus tour. The bus was pretty empty so I was okay with it, otherwise, the tour was so boring. Once it was finally over, we went to eat at a place called Bistro Boudin. Afterwards, we all drove to a place called Chinatown and spent the rest of the day walking around and checking the place out.
  • Last day of San Francisco :(

    Last day of San Francisco :(
    At six in the morning, my family packed up and said our goodbyes to my cousins and grandma then left our hotel to go home. Before we drove home, my dad decided to drive to Ihop to eat breakfast. After eating, we drove straight home. At about one in the afternoon we finally arrived home.
  • Christmas Eve

    Christmas Eve
    This year my family decided to stay home and spend Christmas together. In the morning my mom made some home cooked meals like lasagna, cookies, steaks, pot pies, and so much more for my family and I to eat. This year we did nothing special. We just did our usual tradition and buy everyone pajamas and open our gifts at exactly 12:00 p.m. Once it was 10 at night, my family and I wore our pajamas and waited till it was 12.
  • Christmas!

    At 12 o'clock my family and I opened our gifts. Most of my gifts were just gift cards to my favorite places since I didn't really know what I wanted this year. Otherwise, I had a really great time spending Christmas with just my family. By the time we finished opened our gits, it was around three o'clock in the morning so my family and I decided to watch the new Jumanji movie later on at 12 o'clock noon.
  • New Years Eve!

    New Years Eve!
    This year my family and I decided to spend New Years in my house with some cousins, uncles, and aunts from both my mom and dads side. Before everyone came over, both of my parents bought food and made more home cooked meals for everyone. To kill time my parents set up multiple game everyone could play so no one would get bored.
  • Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year!!
    At 11:55 at night, we all gathered around the kitchen. My parents handed out glasses to everyone. Then gave all the younger kids and I a choice to drink apple juice or water while the adults had the choices of champagne or wine. Once it was finally 12:00 we all drank whatever we had in our glasses then yelled, "Happy New year". After that some relatives stuck around for a bit then left and others slept over and left later on.
  • Canoga Mall

    Canoga Mall
    Since my brother, sister, and I had so many gift cards from Christmas, we decided to go to the Canoga mall to use them. We left there at around 12 noon so it wouldn't be so crowded. Once we finally got there, we shopped at the stored that we had gift cards for. We ended up staying at the mall until six o'clock. I didn't spend all my gift cards but I used some of them to get clothes.
  • Last day of break

    Last day of break
    At eight o'clock in the morning I went to the gym with my siblings to work on some cardio since I had no other plans for that day. After about one hour and 30 minutes, we went back home. When I got home I ate a New York rib eye steak cooked by my brother. After I finished eating the steak I took a shower then went to my room and binge watch my favorite Netflix shows. Later on, I brushed my teeth then packed up and got ready for school tomorrow.
  • First day of IvyTech

    First day of IvyTech
    At first I was pretty nervous thinking I would get confused too much because construction work has been added to the building and the curriculum changed. Overall, it wasn't so bad for my first day.