1877 to present day time line

By 44258
  • 1887 Dawes Act

    Denies tribal rights, advances forced assimilation, opens lands to whites
  • 1890 Wounded Knee

    Federal Forces massacre 200 sioux indians
  • 1891 Populist Party

    Formed specifically to give farmers a voice in government
  • 1895 Yellow Journalism

    Journalism that features unethical or unprofessional practices by news media organizations or individual journalists.
  • 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Separate but Equal' is constitutional (overturned by Brown vs. Board of Education)
  • 1898 Grandfather Clause

    voting rights of blacks challenged with literacy tests and poll taxes
  • 1899 Open Door Policy

    U.S. attempt to gain foothold in Chinese markets