early fire fighting and diving mask
In 1819, Augustus Siebe marketed an early diving suit. Siebe's suit included a helmet to which air waas pumped via a tube to the helmet and spent air escaped from another tube. The inventor founded Sibe, Gorman and Co, a company that developed and manufactured respirators for a variety of purposes and was later instrumental in developing defense respirators. -
first smoke protecting apparatus for firemen
brothers John and Charles Deane patented a smoke protecting apparatus for firemen that was later modified for underwater divers. -
first patenair purifying respirateor
Lewis P. Haslett patend an ''inhaler or lung protector'',the first U.S. patent (#6529) issued for an air purifting respirateor. Hasletts device filterd dust from the air. -
a simple gas mask
Scottish chemist John Stenhouse invented a simple gas mask that used charcole to filter noxious gases. -
rescuing miners
In 1860, Frenchme, Benoit Rouquayrol and Auguste Denayrouse invented the Reseviorregulateur, intended for use in rescuing miners in flooded mines ,the reseviorregulateur could be used -
A Fiermens respirator
British physicist John Tyndall invented a firemens respirator that filterd air agenst smoke and gas. In 1874 , British inventor ,Samule Barton patend a device that ''permited respiration in places where the atmosephire is charged with noxious gases, or vapors, smoke , or other impurities''acording toU.S.patent#148868. -
garrett morgans gas inhalater
African American inventor ,GarrettMorgan, patened the Morgan safety hood and smoke protector . Also in 1914, Garrett Mrogan recevied a gold medal as first prize for his invention at a saftey and sanitation fair in New York City. He also publlished a book showing how to usehis national safety hood.