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10 Important events throughout History.

  • First St. Patricks Day.

    First St. Patricks Day.
    First St. Patricks Day. This day is celebrated by the Irish during Lent.
  • Stamp Act.

    Stamp Act.
    Stamp Act. Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a tax on any paper. Such as playing cards, patent medicines, checks, mortgages, contracts, and newspapers. In the end the Stamp Act was taken away because people stopped buying paper.
  • Boston Tea Party.

    Boston Tea Party.
    Boston Tea Party. This act is when colonists were angry were angry about British laws so they threw their tea off of their boats and into the Boston Harbor. In the end the Proclamation Act began and it led to the American Revolution.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    American Revolution.War between Great Britian and America fighting for freedom from Great Britain. The result was America gaining freedom.
  • Declaration of Independence.

    Declaration of Independence.
    Declaration of Independence.The United States declares independence from Great Britain. The congress approved the Declaration and the United States became independent.
  • The Constitution was signed.

    The Constitution was signed.
    The Constitution was signed. A document that forces our freedom. The result of this document was the development of the three branches of government.
  • French Revolution.

    French Revolution.
    French Revolution. Revolution involving the French people and the Throne. The French people won but ended up back in a monarchy.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

    Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
    Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen.Document of rights for man and for citizens. The outcome was that the people received more rights.
  • American Civil War.

    American Civil War.
    American Civil War. This war influenced the entire world making it very large.
  • Invention of the Telephone.

    Invention of the Telephone.
    The First Telephone. The Telephone is a communication device used to talk to people from different locations.
  • Period: to

    World War I.