
WWl Timeline

  • Growing up

    Growing up
    Edgar D. Andrews was born November 26 180 Andrews grew up in Boston Massachusetts with his mom and his dad
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    The First Battle of the Marne was a battle of the First World War fought in the Marne River Valley. It resulted in an Entente victory against the German armies in the west
  • War

    The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand WWl officially kicked off was the main catalyst for the start of the Great War
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
    The Gallipoli campaign was a military campaign in the First World War that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula The Entente powers, Britain, France, and Russia, sought to weaken the Ottoman Empire
  • Verdun

    At seven o'clock in the morning on February 21, 1916, the ground in northern France began to shake.became the longest battle in modern history. It was originally planned by the German Chief of General Staff
  • Somme the bloodiest

    Somme the bloodiest
    The Battle of the Somme was one of the largest battles of World War I, and among the bloodiest in all of human history. and among the bloodiest in all of human history
  • French soldiers mutiny

    French soldiers mutiny
    The 1917 French Army mutinies took place amongst French Army troops on the Western Front in Northern France during World War 1
  • Fighting

    Andrews saw heavy fighting at Seicheprey in April 1918 and was also involved in the Aisne-Marne Offensive in July before being hospitalized due to illness in September.
  • Family

    he carefully avoided giving his family any details of the fighting, but the emotional impact that it had on him is evident. Andrews wrote most often to his mother and to his sister Susan, and their close relationship is unmistakable in their letters
  • United States enters the War

    United States enters the War
    But the neutral USA entered World War II only after many months of argument in Congress and among the general public air raid against its Pacific naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on 7 December 1941.