The Holocaust was the murder of 6 million Jewish people. The Natzis blamed the Jews for their losses in World war 1. They started limiting Jewish rights. It is kind of like segreation in America, only it was happening to Jews in Germany. They were forced to wear the Star of David, so everyone knows that they are Jewish. The Citizens have the right to make fun of them to. Hitler wanted the gone forever. The Natzis murdered close to 6,000,000, jews and 4 million people they did not like. -
The start of world War 2
The Germansinvaded Poland on September 1, 1939. England and France Declared war on Germany. The Germans were known as the Natzis. The Natzis were rulled by Adoff Hitler, the dictator of Germany. Germany took ofver France, which surrendered in 1940. -
Germany invades Norway,and Dnemark.
Denmark surrenders to Germany, but fighting continues in Norway.The French and British helped Norway.
The Goverment of Noraway fled to Britain. All of these countries fell quickly and surrendered. After the two
countries surrendered, Germany invaded France. France surrendered in 1940. -
The Germans attacked England
The German air force attcked millitary targets in England. The British refused to surrender, the German Air Force Bombed London, and other cities. The U.S did not enter the war, but supplied England with weapons and equitment. Englnd's Air Force managed to defend their country against Germany. -
Germany invades the Soviet Union.
Germany was allied with the Soviet union at the begining of the war. Hitler wanted to take over parts of Russia, so Germany broke the pact with the Soviet Union, and invaded the country. This was a big mistake because the Germans had to suffer huge losses there. It was really cold and some people died. -
The Attacks in Pearl Harbor
The U.S Didin't want Japan to invade anymore countries, so the U.S Stopped trading with them. Japan's response came on December 7, 1941. United States declared War on Japan the next day. Later Italy and Germany declared war on the U.S. That was the start of World war 2 for the U.S. They had to
send troops to three places--Japan, Germany, and Italy. Lots of lives were lost that day, and lots more were injured, and died later. -
Jews fighting Natzis
On April 19, Jewish people in Warsaw, Poland attacked Germans.
They continued fighting for a month, until they killed all of the Jews in the city. They destroyed all of the ghetos that
the Jews slept in. -
Germany surrenders
The United states invaded Normandy. After the invasion,
it was a matter of time until Germany falls. The Germans have to fight incoming soldiers from both sides. One side is England and the U.S, and the other side is the Soviet Union. Germany totally fell after the invation. from solders coming in both sides. Germany finaly surrendered, on May 7, 1945. -
The Bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
President Truman thinks dropping an atom bomb would lead to a fast surrender. The atomic bomb was the U.S backup plan. It was the first time an atom bomb was used in war.The U.S decided to drop it in August. The first bomb was dropped in the morning of 8/6/1945 on Hiroshima. On 8/9/1945 the second bomb was droped on Nagasaki. More than 150000 people died. -
Japan surrenders
The U.S wanted to end the war quickly by using the atomic bomb, and dropping them on the two cities of Japan, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. The Japanese government had no choice but to surrender. They surrendered in August 19, 1945