Women's History in NC

  • Virginia Dare was the first child born in the New World

    Virginia Dare was the first child born in the New World
  • Elizabeth Timothy becomes the first women in America to edit a newspaper, the South Carolina Gazette.

    Elizabeth Timothy becomes the first women in America to edit a newspaper, the South Carolina Gazette.
  • Period: to

    Women helped the armies during the Revolutionary War.

  • Ladies gathered to create the Edenton Tea Party.

    Ladies gathered to create the Edenton Tea Party.
  • Dolley Madison becomes the first lady to President James Madison.

    Dolley Madison becomes the first lady to President James Madison.
  • Oberlin College allows women to enroll.

    Oberlin College allows women to enroll.
  • First Women's Rights Convention

    First Women's Rights Convention
  • The Fourteenth Amendment is passed.

  • North Carolina passes a law allowing women to own land, own businesses, work for their own wages and sue without their husbands consent.

  • Sally Walker Stockard becomes the first women to graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Sally Walker Stockard becomes the first women to graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Women's Suffrage Parade

  • Susie Sharp becomes the first female superior court judge.

    Susie Sharp becomes the first female superior court judge.
  • Title VII of Civil Right's

    The government investigates gender equality in private workplaces.
  • Beverly Perdue is the first women governor in NC.

    Beverly Perdue is the first women governor in NC.