
By Krxy
  • Period: to

    berlin airlift

    helped alot of people and brought millions of supplies
  • Period: to

    korean war

    north and south korea fighting
  • creation of warsaw pact

    creation of warsaw pact
    created in reaction to nato
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    vietnam war

    a decade long war, over 15 million involved
  • sputnik

    the USSR launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth
  • construction of berlin wall

    construction of berlin wall
    East German soldiers laid down more than 30 miles of barbed wire barrier through the heart of Berlin
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile  Crisis
    cuba was building missile sites and dropping them
  • creation of nato

    creation of nato
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • moon landing

    moon landing
    armstrong landed on the moon
  • destruction of berlin wall

    destruction of berlin wall
    first step of German reunification