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United States 1800-1900

  • Louisiana Purchase

    United States, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, who was the leader of France.
  • War of 1812

    The War took place between America and Great Britain. Many important events took place during the war, such as Great Britain not signing trade agreements favorable to United States, impressment, and White House and capital building were set on fire.
  • First Public Railroad System

    This was America's westward expansion, which made trading and transportation much easier, also affordable. Industrial Revolution took place, and America was facing modern days.
  • Mexican War

    The battle took place to receive California and other states in Southwest as part of America, which Mexican's did not want to agree to.
  • California Gold Rush

    Gold was found in Sutter's Mill, California, and when people found out, they left everything behind and moved to California, which helped America's expansion.
  • Confederate States are created

    The withdrawal from the United States of eleven southern states in 1860 and 1861.
  • The Civil War

    A battle between the citizens of the South and the North for expanding slavery into western States. This war created more awareness for U.S government.
  • Statue of Liberty is dedicated

    The Statue of Liberty was gifted to America by people of France to build a stronger relationship between the two nations.
  • Spanish- American War

    The war was fought between Spain and America to grant Cuba their freedom.
  • Hurricane of Galveston

    A natural Disaster in Galveston ,Texas, which Most bridges had fallen, and people were trapped, by bricks and lumber.