Unit 3 Timeline Project

  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    Germany calls war on Russia, France and Belgium, cause of this the British declare war on Germany and then Austria calls war on Russia. France calls war on Austria next, then so does the British. Japan and Montenegro calls war on Germany, and Austria calls it on Belgium.
  • The Assassitnation

    The Assassitnation
    On June 28th 1914 the Archduke Fracis Ferdinand is assisassinated and Austria-Hungary Declares war on Serbia, which was the start of World War One (WW1).
  • Period: to


  • First Battle

    First Battle
    Battle of Marna begins on September 6th 1914, the Germans come in about 30 miles from Paris, then six thousand infantrymen are transported in taxis to the fronts. The Germans start digging north of the Aisne River.
  • Ottoman Empire's Entry

    Ottoman Empire's Entry
  • The Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman Empire
    Britain and France call war on the Ottoman Empire.
  • Battle of Yrpres

    Battle of Yrpres
    The second battle begins. The Germans use chemical forces to fight, they used chemical warefare by launched chemicals such as chlorine on the allied trenches. Cause of this 5000 troops were killed. By the end of it there were 1.3 million casualties and 91 thousand fatalities.
  • German Submarine Invasion

    German Submarine Invasion
    A German Submariine attacks a cruise liner called Lustinia. There were 128 Americans on board and they were crossing from New York to Liverpool, England.
  • Attack On Verdun

    Attack On Verdun
    German begins to attack Verdun, in February of 1916
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    Allied offenive begins the battle of the Somme, it wore the Germans out cause the ammount of troops lost were to many with little progress.
  • United States Entry

    United States Entry
    The United states calls war on Germany cause they killed American lives.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    United states are in for a Victory in the battle of Cantigny. This battle was also the first independent American operation without the help of other nations.
  • Marne River

    Marne River
    United States stops Germans from crossing the Marne River at Chateau Thierrry.
  • Final Offensive of the War

    Final Offensive of the War
    Allied forces attack at Meusse-Argonne, which is also the final one. 26,000 were killed in action and a total of 120,000 casualties.
  • Resignation

    Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne, which ends World war 1.
  • Peace Conference

    Peace Conference
    Begins in Paris, which negotiates the end of the War, it made the terms of peace after the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    On this day The Treaty of Versailles takes into effect. It made Germany surrender and pay war repartions.