Union Timeline

  • Great Southwest Railroad Strike

    Great Southwest Railroad Strike
    200,000 workers across 5 states refused to work from Mrch to September du to unfair pay, bad working conditions, and bad hours.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    Forbid and restrain commerce across state lines and refroms, strikes, and boycotts were covered by law.
  • The Pullman strike

    The Pullman strike
    250,000 workers refuse to work at the car company due to 12 hour days and bad pay.
  • Great Anthracite Coal Strike

    Great Anthracite Coal Strike
    147,000 workers refuse to work insisting better wages and conditions.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression of 1929 was a worldwide depression that lasted for ten years. 5 million americans were apart of unions before the depression after it only 3 million.
  • Pro-Labor Wagner Act

    Pro-Labor Wagner Act
    This Act led to union growth and guarantees the right of workers to organize, and outlines the legal framework for labor union.
  • Taft Hartley Act

    Taft Hartley Act
    United States federal law that restricts the activities and power of labor unions.
  • Steel Strike of 1959

    Steel Strike of 1959
    The steel industry was booming but at the end of the strike the union received wage increases and preserved the contract clause.