Top energy timeline.

  • Invention of Steam Engine

    Invention of Steam Engine
    The first Practical steam engine was invented by Thomas Savory

    The first vehicles using internal combustion were seen.
  • Light bulb invented.

    Light bulb invented.
    Thomas Edison invents first light bulb.
  • Discovery of Electrons

    Discovery of Electrons
    Joseph Thomas leads the discovery to electrons.
  • Hoover dam

    Hoover dam
    Constructionon hoover dam was started.
  • Discovery of Nuclear Fusion

    Discovery of Nuclear Fusion
    The ability to split atoms into tiny pieces creating large amounts of energy.
  • Little Boy

    Little Boy
    First Atomic bomb used in warfare.
  • First Photovoltaic Cell

    First modern Solar panel designed at bell laboratories.
  • First Nuclear power plant

    Nuclear power plant in USSR, first to run electricity on grid.
  • Process to Distill Petroleum.

    Process to Distill Petroleum.
    Process to distill crude oil was invented by Ignacy Lukasawies.