Timeline of Revenue Acts- Adelynn Coy

  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was when the British parliamentary required colonial authorities to provide food, drink, quarters, fuel, and transportation to British forces stationed in their towns or villages. The colonist did not like it one bit and were mad about the act itself. The British however thought it was great but however, did not like the protest and inflicted consequences on them. The Quartering Act ended 1770
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was when the British Parliament in which papers, documents, newspapers, etc had to be stamped to be legal or it would be considered a crime if not stamped. This lead to a large protest of the colonists this also led to a secret organization being formed Called "The Sons Of Liberty" to intimidate stamp agents. The British government reacted with the act being revoked but reaffirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies in all cases. The Act ended in 1766
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend act was a series of taxes put on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea. This was also an example of part of the tea act. The colonists boycotted British goods to prove a point and were angry because it was the injustice of taxation without representation. The British government however thought it was a good thing and wanted colonists to pay for their protection. The Act ended in 1770.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was where the company's tea was cheaper than other tea for others creating an up riot of. But also to solve the financial problem. This brought the colonists into havoc and uppermost opposed to it. The British government granted the company a monopoly on the importation and selling of tea in the colonies. The Tea Act ended in 1861.
  • Intolarable Acts

    Intolarable Acts
    The intolerable acts were a series of British laws passed to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party, This included the acts of which were The Boston Port Bill, Massachusetts Government Act, Administrations of Justice Act, and Quartering Act. The colonists reacted with a show of unity, convening the First Continental Congress to discuss and negotiate a unified approach to the British.
    The British government reacted by passing laws to punish. The Acts and laws ended in 1774.