Period: to
Telescope Adventure
Telescopes throughout history timeline, strap on Mr. Whitely -
The first telescope invented
First telescope used for Astronomical studies
Although Galileo did not invent the first telescope, he created the first telescope used for astronomy studies. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=galileo%27s+first+telescope&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=618&tbm=isch&tbnid=s4Fax7ZksHbuVM:&imgrefurl=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/2916/Two-of-Galileos-first-telescopes-in-the-Institute-and-Museum&docid=T37SaPp1rC_KTM&imgurl=http://media-1.web.britannica.com/eb-media/52/752-004-6FE60E05.jpg&w=316&h=450&ei=IXHeToiWN6nX0QHcusXIBw&zoom -
Japan's telescope
In 1613, Japan gets its first telescope. This first telescope for Japan; just like the first telescope for America, opened the doors for several telescopes that would later be invented. -
Johannes Hevelius invented a new type of telescope
Johannes Hevelius made a 150 feet long telescope that added variety to the technology of telescopes http://www.google.com/imgres?q=johannes+hevelius+telescope&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=618&tbm=isch&tbnid=XNQkPC3F3GqIRM:&imgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Telescope_140_foot_Johann_Hevelius.jpg&docid=T9SH_KEUo0LLfM&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/Telescope_140_foot_Johann_Hevelius.jpg&w=837&h=700&ei=9XLeTsqjB4Pg0QHpndWYBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=491 -
Changing the telescope
In 1704, Sir Issac Newton changed the capability of telescopes for ever. Newton developed a new design for telescopes; instead of the traditional magnifying lenses, Newton suggested a curved mirror to collect more light and bring images into sharper focus. Because: light focus > magnification teachertech.rice.edu -
40 feet long telescope used to discover Uranus
William Herschel's telescope was 40 ft long, although he discovered Uranus through that telescope it was classed as uneffective, wll atleast didn't meet expectations. -
Spiral Nebulae
Lord Rosse used his largest telescope to see the spiral structure of M51. Large spiral mirrors allowed for this discovery to be achievable. This discovery lead towards more technology advancements. -
The Hooker:)
The Hooker Telescope, is 100inches. The Hooker Telescope saw its first light in California. This telescope had been used by Edwin Hubble during his discovery concerning the Andromeda Nebula. -
False hope for pluto
On 1930, Clyde Tombaugh discovered the current dwarf planet Pluto through a 13inch telescope. The telescope was located in Arizona. At the time, astronomers classified Pluto as a planet. But just like in human life there's disappointment; and Pluto got its hopes up, just to loose everything.... -
First Radio Telescope
The first ever radio telescope was built by Grote Reber in 1937. This telescope was followed by other radio telescopes during the 20th century. Radio telecopes grew more popular after World War II -
Hale Telescope
The Hale Telescope is 200inches. It is located in Palomar Mountain,California. It has been involved with captivating discoveries for about 60 years. -
Hawaii too!
The construction of a complex in Hawaii began on 1976. The construction of the complex consisted of 12 telescopes. It was located at Mauna Kea Observatories. -
Telescope Meets Computor
In 1976, the Russians built the BTA. The BTA was positioned and controlled by computers. This lead to greater advances in telescope technology, including the infamous Hubble Space Telescope. -
Soviet Russia is in the advancement of telescopes. On 1979 the 6-meter Bolshoi Teleskop Azimultal'nyi is finally constructed at the Zelenchuk Valley in the U.S.S.R. -
The Hubble Space Telescope!
The Hubble Space Telescope is undoubtly the most famous telescope in telescope history. It was not made in 1990, but 1990 was the year it was finally launched into outer space. The launch of the Hubble Space Telescope had been delayed before due to a space shuttle disaster. -
Large Binocular Telescope
This double mirrored beauty saw its first light in Arizona, the year 2005. It reveals images at about ten times closer and detail than the Hubble space telescope. This telescope is one of the newest telescopes in the U.S. that are this effective.