Death of king Edward the confessor
King Edward the confessor died childless wich lead to a lot of problems. -
The battle of Hastings
After the death of King Edward William and Harold godwinson both wanted the throne of England. To know who would have the throne they fought to death. Harold Godwinson died and William became King. -
Period: 1066 to 1087
King William the conqueror reign
Period: 1069 to 1072
Northumbria became a waste
Shortly after being crowned king William the conqueror asked his troups to devastate Northumbria. They set the land on fire and killed a lot of inhabitants. In only three years the land became a waste -
The Anglo-saxon barons
only two out of two hundred barons were still Anglo-saxon, the other were killed and replaced by Norman barons who were close to the king William. -
The domesday book
The king William wanted to know all the ressources of England therefore he asked his officers had to asked every inhabitants the number of houses they hed, their lands and their wealth. -
England controlled
the king controlled 17%, the church 25% and the norman barons 50%