creation of the Triple Alliance
The Triple Alliance is a secret agreement formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, The treaty said that Germany and Austria-Hungary and Italy would support eachother in war.
IMPORTANCE: The support made it a world war instead of a regular war -
Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II
In 1888, Wilhelm's father succeeded as Frederick III. Dieing shortly afterwards making Wilhelm kaiser,age 29 the leader of Germany. within two years Wilhelm had forced Otto von Bismarck resignation. Wilhem was a strong believer in increasing the strength of the German armed forces, particularly the navy. IMPORTANCE: showed the world how powerful Germany was and made a treaty with Russia. -
Alliance of Russia and France
Called the Dual Alliance, also the Franco-Russian Alliance, was a a political and military pact that developed between Russia and France pre WWI, both wanting defence in the case of war. In August 1891 they made a preliminary agreement to consult in case of aggression against either of them. IMPROTANCE: provided another conection making this war a world war. -
Period: to
European arms race
By 1914, all the Great Powers except Britain had large standing armies. to be able to quickly mobilize, or organize and move troops in case of a war. was essential Generals in each country developed highly detailed plans for such a mobilization. Having countrys with great militarism (The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war) made most citizens feel protected. IMPORTANCE: Made the countries stonger, and added tension throughout Europe. -
Creation of the Triple Entente
An alliance created between France, Russia and Great Britain,Stating they didnt have to fight for eachother, but would not attack eachother. IMPORTANCE: POrvided another significant alliance in Europe that makes it a world war. -
Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina
In 1908, Austria took over, Bosnia and Herzegovina,both with large Slavic Populations. Serbian leaders, where outraged, causing tensions between Serbia and Austria to steadily rise in the years following. The Serbs continually vowed to take Bosnia and Herzegovina away from Austria. In response, Austria-Hungary vowed to crush any Serbian effort to undermine its authority in the Balkans. IMPORTANCE: caused tension between the countries. -
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Archduke Ferdinand was shot by Gravrilo Princip, and 19 year old member of the Black Hand, after the Archduke`s driver got lost, and Gravrilo was coincidentaly there. IMPROTANCE: Was the triger that started WWI. -
The first declaraton of war (the first day of WWI)
Austria declared war on Serbia becuase of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. IMPORTAnCE: This was the start of WWI and trigered all of the alliances to take action. -
Great Britain declares war on Germany
Great Britian declares war on Germany after Germany declares war on Russia and France because of the Triple Entente.
IMPORTANCE: ensures that most of Europe has become engaged in WWI -
The battle lines are drawn-Central Powers and Allies
Central Powers: The alliance of Germany, Austria–Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria during WWI.
Allies; A group of nations taking military action together. The allies in WWI was Great Britan, France, Russia, Italy, and Japan.
IMPORTANCE: Each country now had an alliance, and if one nation declared war on another, then almort all the countries would have to be incloved.