
The French Revolution

By 1367
  • Meeting of the Estates General. (incubation stage)

    Meeting of the Estates General. (incubation stage)
    Due to a financial crisis the French Estates General met for the first time since 1614. Three parts made up this, the nobility, the church, and the common people. They were summoned by King Louis XVI to propose solutions to the financial problems. They sat for weeks trying to decide whether to tax the Third Estate, but each estate only had one vote. This meant that the 1st and 2nd estates always won the vote. With this disadvantage, many of the Third Estate became part of the National Assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath (incubation stage)

    Tennis Court  Oath (incubation stage)
    The Third Estate was locked out of a meeting of the Estates General. They were outraged and decided to meet at a tennis court. Eventually, they decided to take matters into they're own hands and then they named themselves as the National Assembly.
  • Storming of the Bastille (symtomatic stage)

    Storming of the Bastille (symtomatic stage)
    A mob went to Bastille, demanding weapons. they tried negotiating at first with the commander of Bastille, that didnt work. The mob of angry rioters attacked Bastille, and killed the commander. Not only that, they also stuck his severed head on a stick and marched through the streets.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man (symtomatic stage)

    Declaration of the Rights of Man (symtomatic stage)
    They used ideas of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as their reason for fighting in the French Revolution. The Declaration themes were,"liberty, equality, and fraternity".
  • the National Convention (symtomatic stage)

    the National Convention (symtomatic stage)
    After a mob attacked Tuileries Palace, the King and Queen and their children were thrown into prison. There was a new election for a new legislature, which was the National Convention, they ordered for the execution of King Louis XVI.
  • the execution (crisis stage)

    the execution (crisis stage)
    The king ( king louis xvi) was executed on this day. People wanted to make sure there was no return of Monarchy.
  • the Reign of Terror (crisis stage)

     the Reign of Terror (crisis stage)
    Began when Robespierre declares terror.This started the beginning of the 2 years of killing "supposed" enemies of the French Revolution. It ended on July 27, where Robespierre was accused, condemned, and guillontined.
  • End of the French Revolution (convalescense)

    End of the French Revolution (convalescense)
    The French coup d'état on 2 December 1851, staged by Prince Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, ended in the dissolution of the French National Assembly, as well as the renewing of the French Empire. Louis-Napoléon reclaimed his uncle's throne as Emperor of the French (taking the regnal name Napoléon III) this led to Bonaparte's dictatorship and eventuallymade him emperor, This brought a close to the French Revolution.